Author Topic: Hard Reset Required Between Profiles  (Read 4985 times)


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Hard Reset Required Between Profiles
« on: 2019-08-29, 04:21:53 »
I'm experiencing an interesting and "repeatable" condition when switching between two different remotes (Profiles) in the US. If I remove power from the RRC for at least 5 minutes, an attempt to connect to either is immediate and without issues. If I simply change Profiles and let a soft reboot complete, the RRC will not connect to either remote.

The particulars:
* RRC is a 1258 MkII running v2.95, serial 2449
* Wired connection to Mikrotik router
* ISP offers me only a IP; not public. So, I'm DHCP from them, and then my router is a 2nd DHCP to my devices
* The RRC has a static IP, however, so it shouldn't matter
* Windows 7 Pro laptop, Chrome browser
* Another user connects reliably to either remote base with any issues

Any ideas why I have to do an extended hard reset to make the RRC work reliably?

Dennis, WU6X
Auburn, CA

« Last Edit: 2019-08-29, 16:46:07 by WU6X »


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Re: Hard Reset Required Between Profiles
« Reply #1 on: 2019-09-16, 19:16:10 »
UPDATE: I fixed this one! I asked my ISP for a "tunnel" past their filtering/rules, and they issued me a "private IP" on their residential delivery subnet. Apparently, their system was remembering the last outbound/inbound connection, latching it, and thereby requiring me to cycle power to the RRC to reset the path assignment when changing between two remotes. I coded this as a static IP in the RRC and changed the gateway to match.

Then, I installed a Netgear switch and plugged the ISP's WAN into the switch, my router WAN port into the switch, and the RRC into the switch. The switch now sorts out the different subnets and directs traffic to my LAN subnet and devices behind the router ... and my ISP's assigned subnet to the RRC directly to the RRC.

No more hard reset required!
Dennis, WU6X