Author Topic: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes  (Read 13354 times)


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TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« on: 2020-01-31, 02:23:19 »
After much trial, I have a SignaLinkUSB keying and transmitting digital modes using MixW2 software running on a Windows7 Pro laptop. I imagine that similar settings will work with Fldigi, MMTTY, HRD or other digital software. Note this is an AFSK solution, not FSK. The benefits of using the SignaLinkUSB and AFSK are cable reduction, full control of audio in/out of the Control-RRC, and the ability to use all the digital modes, not just RTTY.

Hardware and software configuration as follows:
1. Install an RS-232 serial cable between the TS-480 and Radio-RRC, straight through wiring.
2. Install CAT5 cable between SignaLink OUT and Control-RRC AUX/MIC connector IN.
3. Strap the SignaLink I/O header according to the RemoteRig manual, page 188; pin 3=mic signal, 4=mic ground, 5-PTT, and 6-ground
4. Connect the headphone out on TS480 panel to SignalinkUSB SPKR IN for decode audio; stereo cable.

1. Plug the SignaLinkUSB into the computer and select the USB audio codec for sound card playback/recording devices. Set them to be the default for the computer for now.
2. Make sure the speaker volume control is set to 100% so the SignaLinkUSB will have plenty of audio to work with.
3. See attached MixW2 config screens. Note that your COM ports may be different. Check the computer Device Manager and look for the port assigned to the SignaLinkUSB.
4. Set the Control and Radio RRC's as shown on page 192 of the RemoteRig manual
5. My Control-RRC Serial, Keyer and I/O settings are attached.

Test and Operation
1. Plug headphones or speaker into the MON jack of the SignaLinkUSB to monitor what is being transmitted
2. Connect radio to a dummy load and set to low power to test.
3. Set TX out on the SignaLinkUSB to zero and select RTTY mode.
4. Press the [TX] button in the software and watch that the radio is being keyed; you may have to advance the TX control on the SignaLink USB.
5.  Watch ALC. Increase TX out on the Signalink to keep ALC below top of scale. Press [RX] to stop.
6. If the radio PTT is enabled and you heard the mode being transmitted, you are ready to go with other digital modes as well.

Note: I also use this configuration to send CW, as well as feedback Band, Mode and Frequency to my logging software (N3FJP).

I hope this works for you and answers some of the questions I see being posted with sketchy documentation.
Questions? I'll try to assist if you email me at wu6x at hotmail dot com.
73, Dennis - WU6X

« Last Edit: 2020-01-31, 03:15:00 by WU6X »


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #1 on: 2020-01-31, 20:25:14 »
Hi Dennis,

Thanks for the summary; I am glad that you got it all working.

Just one input from me: the Signalink normally uses VOX for PTT. This is not always practical
in a RemoteRig setup, so instead I suggest that you instead use CAT for PTT after setting CAT
up first. I know that you did that, but I just wanted to point it out.

If you must use VOX for PTT, then make sure that both RRC's have RTP tx mode set to continuous
to make VOX work. Due to the inherent VOX latency, I really suggest implementing PTT via CAT.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #2 on: 2020-01-31, 20:31:52 »
Hi Mitch,
First, thanks for ALL your assistance throughout this process ... some of your comments definitely helped to steer me in the correct direction. I agree on the means for PTT via the serial port.

I've now got MixW2 and Fldigi working perfectly, but having trouble with WSJT-X. I'm using all the same settings that work with the other two apps noted, but WSJT-X refuses to recognize the radio and CAT commands, posting a rig library error. I was just about to post to the WSJT-X board to see if this is a configuration issue or a bug.
73, Dennis-WU6X


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #3 on: 2020-01-31, 20:44:33 »
Hi Dennis,

Actually, having helped a few people to setup WJST, I can say that it was the easiest of all the
digital software I have setup to get working. I suspect that one of the others caused a Windows
conflict. Did you try rebooting your PC and then try setting it up? Also make sure that the
newest version is installed.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #4 on: 2020-01-31, 21:19:52 »
Hi Mitch,
Yes, I downloaded the latest version and even just now, un-installed and re-installed it. The software is keying the radio momentarily when I click the CAT TEST button, but posts the error shown in the attached screen.
Dennis - WU6X


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #5 on: 2020-01-31, 21:40:35 »
Hi Dennis,

Did you reboot the PC? If so and you still receive this error message, I would ask on the WJST support
forum for assistance.

BTW, your setting is wrong for PTT: it should be on CAT and not DTR.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #6 on: 2020-01-31, 22:52:50 »
Thanks Mitch ... I think I tried CAT for PTT and it wouldn't work. I'll go back and try again. I'm planning to post on the WSJT support forum and see what I can come up with from there.
Dennis, WU6X


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #7 on: 2020-02-14, 20:38:03 »
Hi Mitch,
Well, still stuck on getting WSJT-X to work. All other digital modes working with "other" software (MixW, Fldigi, etc), but no WSJT-X. The strange thing is it did work briefly, now has quit and produces the riglib error with the TS480. Using SignaLinkUSB for audio decode and CAT control for PTT. I can't figure out what I'm missing ...
Dennis, WU6X


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #8 on: 2020-02-14, 20:59:17 »

Did you try rebooting your computer? Sounds like a Windows driver problem. You may try
deinstalling and reinstalling the software.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #9 on: 2020-02-14, 21:00:45 »
Thanks Mitch ... You are super at support! No, haven't tried the reboot ... will do it now.
73, Dennis-WU6X


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #10 on: 2020-02-14, 22:40:13 »
No change after the reboot ... Do you see anything set incorrectly here? When I press Test CAT the radio keys momentarily then posts the error attached. Dennis, WU6X


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #11 on: 2020-02-14, 22:53:32 »
I've been reading posts from people having trouble with the TS480 all the way back to 2016 ... the solution is always something stupid simple, like a broken or mis-placed strap, or bad cable, or wrong baud rate, etc. etc. My problem is always a hard fix ... never a simple box-check.
I'm back to, if the system works with MixW2, Fldigi, N3FJP, etc., all the easy stuff is set correctly. It must be an incorrect CAT command coming from the software having set it to TS480. What else could it be, as selecting the radio in other software works just fine? The only thing I haven't tried is another computer ... maybe it is a COM port assignment, refresh issue? I really do appreciate your assistance thus far, but I'm still stumped!
73, Dennis-WU6X
« Last Edit: 2020-02-15, 01:54:50 by WU6X »


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #12 on: 2020-02-15, 15:01:39 »
Hi Dennis,

It seems to be a driver issue with your WJST. I suggest that you deinstall it, reboot, then reinstall it to see
if that solves your problem.

If you Google "Hamlib error", you will find a lot of people that have that problem. It seems that it may be a bug
with the TS-480 driver.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #13 on: 2020-02-15, 15:13:33 »
Cool! Thanks for the tip, Mitch. I'll do that now and report back.
73, Dennis-WU6X


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #14 on: 2020-02-15, 15:59:40 »
Well, I think we just verified that there is a bug with the TS480 driver. I did the following with these results:
1. Un-installed WSJT-X
2. Downloaded the latest version and re-installed it
3. Re-started the computer
4. Confirmed that the Meinberg NTP time server was started
5. Launched WSJT-X

Everything came up GREEN and the software was decoding as it should. So, I tried the Test PTT button, just to make sure I was keying the radio, and everything went sideways:

1. The radio changed to a different frequency and mode
2. The software posted a "Hamlib error" with "invalid parameter while setting frequency", and refused to operate after that, posting the same error.

So, I think I'll work some ARRL Int'l DX Contest CW and wait for the next release to fix the bug?

Again, tnx for the suggestions.
73, Dennis-WU6X