Author Topic: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes  (Read 13356 times)


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #15 on: 2020-02-15, 17:10:46 »

I'm afraid that the easiest method will be to change PTT to another option than CAT for WJST
only. I would try to avoid VOX, especially for time critical modes like FT8. However, if you do
want to try VOX, make sure that RTP is set to continuous on both RRC's.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #16 on: 2020-02-15, 20:29:37 »
Okay, Mitch. I think I'm going to shelve it for a while and come back to the issue with a fresh mind, after the contest.
73, Dennis-WU6X


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #17 on: 2020-03-26, 17:43:35 »
Well, I finally got back to it and WSJT-X is working with VOX and RTS set HIGH. Just need to watch the ALC and making contacts just fine.
Dennis, WU6X


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #18 on: 2020-04-07, 13:02:23 »
Hi, I'm trying to get digi modes working with following setup:

Remotering dongle + Radio Control Program for the TS-480 (ARCP-480) + computer/smartphone/tablet

Have you any advice to give me?

If needed I have an USB-soundcard ...

73 de Alf OH6IH


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Re: TS-480HX w/SignaLinkUSB Working Digital Modes
« Reply #19 on: 2020-04-07, 16:20:26 »
Hi Alf,
I have no experience with the dongle or ARCP. In fact, I found ARCP to be less than useful and use other specific software for digital modes. I did discover the following, which may help:
1. WSJT-X - put radio in VFO mode for FT8 (upper sideband, mic gain=12, power=30)
2. MixW2 - used for PSK/RTTY (upper sideband, mic gain 12, power 30/100, respectively)
3. Try FlDigi - this is working for PSK, RTTY and even CW
I am able to run all the digi-modes using the above software and settings. Also, the "order" in which you launch the software effects which one gets the USB assignment in Windows. This might be your issue.
Lastly, you may need to go into the Device Manager (Start Menu/Computer (Win7) or search in Win10), find the assigned Com port, double-click it and verify baud, stop/start bits have been assigned correctly for the connected device.
I hope I've helped and not confused you.
73, Dennis - WU6X
« Last Edit: 2020-04-07, 16:38:31 by WU6X »