Author Topic: Connecting multiple sources to rig's mic input  (Read 8158 times)


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Connecting multiple sources to rig's mic input
« on: 2011-03-19, 10:28:43 »
Hello group,

I run a RemoteRig setup to operate my TS-2000 station remotely but I also use
the station locally. Also, I've found that there are some computer control
applications that require use of the mic input - using the CAT PTT command
activates the mic audio input, not the back panel accessory jack audio input.

This means a lot of plugging and unplugging stuff, and it's easy to forget to
reconnect the RemoteRig when finishing a session in the shack.

I found myself with some spare time and knocked out a little design project I've
had rolling around in my head for a while which I'm calling a Microphone
Multi-source interface. It's a little interface that allows up to three
microphone sources to be connected at once to a transceiver.

Here's a brief description:
Three inputs:
- Local Mic. PTT on this takes priority and mutes audio from other inputs. Local
Mic audio unmuted if neither other PTT active, enabling local VOX operation.
- RemoteRig. Activating this PTT will mute idle local mic audio, preventing
pickup of shack noise.
- Aux (for use with computer or maybe a TM-D710 as Sky Command Transporter?)
Activating this PTT will also mute idle local mic audio.

Other design features:
- Individual trim-pot level controls on each input and the output for level
balancing, as well as test points for taking measurements.
- Four paralleled 3-conductor mini jacks for sharing Speaker Audio.
- Audio ground on pin 7 maintained separate from PTT ground on pin 8, with
optional jumper block to connect them through a small RF choke.
- Speaker audio common maintained separate, with optional jumper block to
connect it to audio common through a small RF choke.
- Power is drawn from the 8V present on the TS-2000 mic jack.

This project could easily be built on a breadboard, but I used ExpressPCB's free
software to design double-sided PCBs. I've uploaded image files of the three
schematic sheets and of the PC silkscreen to the files area of the RemoteRig
Yahoo! group.

Although the mic connector pinouts are laid out with the Kenwood round 8-pin mic
connector used on the TS-2000 in mind, there's no reason why one could not adapt
it to other mic pinouts or makes of radio.