Author Topic: Bad Audio thru RRControl Box  (Read 7917 times)


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Bad Audio thru RRControl Box
« on: 2021-01-18, 19:59:52 »
I have my TS-480HX setup in the shack using both RemoteRig ends connected via wireless router. Audio is distorted and un-readable with the mic connected to the RRcontrol box, but sounds perfect when connected directly to the radio. I'm thinking the RRcontrol box has developed a problem in the audio chain.
The next step was going to be to move the radio to my RV and operate off the antenna there in a remote base configuration via the wireless network.
Has anyone seen this or had this problem, or have any ideas on troubleshooting the issue further?
RRC 1258 MK2, software v2.95 with WiFi adapter boards installed on both ends.
73, Dennis - WU6X


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Re: Bad Audio thru RRControl Box
« Reply #1 on: 2021-01-22, 14:10:22 »
Dennis- did you make sure to match your audio codecs? 


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Re: Bad Audio thru RRControl Box
« Reply #2 on: 2021-01-22, 21:28:37 »
Hi Dennis,

This is how I would go about checking things out.

You said you think the box "has developed" a problem. Do you mean it was ok and started playing up recently? What changed?

Jumpers ok? Confirm by reseating all the wires?

Critical listening - What is the distortion, packet loss/digital sounding or analog sounding? Might give you a tip where to look.

As mentioned by W1UE, is your audio configuration correct and have you tried making changes in this area?

What happens if you bypass the WiFi in both boxes by connecting an ethernet cable between them?

I ask this because I've seen bad performance over WiFi with certain routers. Anything changed in your network recently?

How are the two boxes configured for connection over WiFi? Are you using the local WiFi IP addresses or is it set up so the control box goes out over the Internet then back home? Can you switch the configuration?

I hope something in all of this will give you a clue or the answer to your problem.




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Re: Bad Audio thru RRControl Box
« Reply #3 on: 2021-01-24, 21:42:51 »
Thank you for the comments and suggestions, W1UE and VK3ALB. W1UE-Dennis, I'm not sure what you mean by "matching the Codecs" ... do you mean INP GAIN? As looking at both boxes that is the only setting common between them that is now different (I'll try that). Codec Out is at 255 on both, the default. Otherwise, I have tried everything. I've had these units for more than a year, setup on the floor of my shack to test and evaluate before moving the radio to the remote location. I've also reset the RRC to factory defaults and completely reconfigured it; no change.

I borrowed a complete 2nd system to use in troubleshooting. With both the newer system (serial #3440) and my older RRC (serial #2449), strapped, setup, and configured identically, the new unit works flawlessly, while mine breaks into audio oscillation, pegging the ALC as soon as the PTT button on the Kenwood TS-480 mic is pressed. I've tried both strapping plans as described in the manual; no change. I'm not sure what else to try at this point.

The only difference between my RRC and the borrowed unit is I have the Wireless daughter board installed. Yes, I've tried cabling both the RRC and radio boxes directly into the router and the problem is still present. I'm using local IP's on both. But, since this system worked at one time, I'm not sure what changed in my shack to make my system stop working. I did change the router, but that doesn't explain why the newer unit works and mine doesn't, directly connected or hardwired.
Comments/suggestions are always appreciated. 73, Dennis
« Last Edit: 2021-01-24, 21:44:52 by WU6X »


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Re: Bad Audio thru RRControl Box
« Reply #4 on: 2021-01-25, 00:14:44 »
Hi Dennis,

It looks like you've ruled out a network issue but you've given us some new info that's interesting.

I assume you're only changing one thing at a time so what you've described seems to point to your RRC control (please confirm)? Considering the only difference between yours and the loaner is the WiFi board, I wonder if it's a wall wart issue? Can you confirm the RRC supply does not sag when you switch between your RRC and the loaner? Can you pull the WiFi board out (long shot) and test again?

You say audio oscillation and pegged ALC on PTT. Is it band dependant? What if you tun the MIC gain to zero? Is there an amplifier involved?



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Re: Bad Audio thru RRControl Box
« Reply #5 on: 2022-12-14, 02:46:58 »
Hi Lou,
Sorry so long on getting back ... I wasn't seeing your response notification. In any case, I've solved the ragged audio issue by dialing back the codec imput gain, and the mic gain on the radio. The result is good audio again. Having said this, I have another problem that I'll post under a different subject. We can consider this one closed.
Tnx again
Dennis - WU6X