Author Topic: Radio RRC PTT bug??  (Read 6108 times)


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Radio RRC PTT bug??
« on: 2021-02-04, 16:26:34 »
I do use my K3s station both remote and locally.

For both local and remote use all cabling is connected and the RJ45 port (with RS-232/CAT signals) can be switched between Radio-RRC and my P3.
So I can easily switch between local and remote use, without the need of (dis)connecting cables.
This set-up works very well and is quite convenient.

However, when due to local use of the station the RRC Radio unit is not needed and without power, the outgoing PTT line of the Radio RRC is grounded.
This causes the K3s to go into transmit state.

To me this is a bug.
A connected piece of equipment should never cause an unwanted situation when power is not applied to it, in this case being an unwanted TX state of the connected K3s.

In case I do something wrong and can avoid this from occuring I would be glad to hear what that could be.

Otherwise an RRC Radio modification seems to be needed, in order to avoid this unwanted situation.

In the mean time I solved the issue by mounting a switch in the unused hole for the keyerspeed and connecting it to the relevant PTT points of the "wire dongle"

73 Henk
« Last Edit: 2021-02-05, 09:59:51 by HenkC »