Author Topic: Does anyone have a copy of DJ0QN Networking Checklist?  (Read 9033 times)


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I just obtained a set of RRCs to use with a K3/0 and K3.
DJ0QN once provided a set of checklists that made the setup easier.
I hope someone saved them and can report them here, or email them to me
k6ufo at arrl dot net
Thanks, Mark K6UFO


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Re: Does anyone have a copy of DJ0QN Networking Checklist?
« Reply #1 on: 2024-09-10, 13:41:23 »
Hello Mark,

I have downloaded this a long time ago:


Remote Rig »
Webswitch 1216H Support in English »
Configuration of Routers, Firewalls, etc »
Optimizing for jitter and packet loss on 4G/LTE


This is my 3G/4G checklist which may help you:

3G Checklist
Try reducing your bandwidth to a minimum and changing some parameters to compensate
for a poor line. Here are some tips:

1) These are important:
- audio quality to 0 (half the bandwidth of codec 2 and more than adequate for SSB & CW)
- turn continuous RTP on or set RTP to continuous (depending upon firmware version)
not working with N1MM, double Sidetone if set to Continous.
- If using the K3 Twin or Yaesu with a second receiver, then turn off "audio dual-rx" on the
   radio RRC under the radio settings. This doubles the necessary bandwidth if on.

2) Play around with these 3 until you are satisfied:
- increase rx jitter buffer to min 12+
- increase rx jitter delay to min 10+
- audio packet size 20 or 40

3) Also, make sure that serial ports COM1 and COM2 are turned off if not used,
or that either being used is set to the minimum bps necessary to handle the serial
communication. For example, use 4800 for CAT on a rig like the TS-480 and not
a high speed like 57600, since the higher speed is completely unnecessary.

Mitch DJ0QN


I hope this helps you.
Audio Quality 0 is acceptable for me for HF SSB & CW. I don't need FM sound quality.
I am using Remoterig with a Netgear Nighthawk M5 mobile Router over 4G with an IP visible from outside and port forwarding.
The DDNS server at Remoterig works very well and is much more reliable than
If I want to move to Zerotier VPN I will probably exchange my router for a Teltonika RUTX14. It has a ZeroTier client embedded.
A GSM base station is near the radio site. Becuse of an insufficient amount of channels I downgraded from 5G to 4G on the advice of a technician of the phone company.

73 de Christian