Author Topic: Audio dropouts and hanging while using CAT (Yeasu TWIN)  (Read 2716 times)


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I've recently set up a CAT connection to N1MM+  but I experience audio dropouts, as soon as I start N1MM+ and connect to CAT.

Description of the problem: rapidly recurring audio dropouts. Each dropout is very short, perhaps 50-100ms. But enough to miss a letter or a number. The frequency of the dropouts isn't regular, varies from every second to once every 20 seconds. Sometimes, especially when moving the VFO everything freezes - no audio and no control of the remote radio. In some cases the control RRC reboots after a while.

Setup: Yaesu Twin with FT-2000 both at the control and the radio QTH. Mode 7 for COM1 in both control and radio RRC.  (38400 bds, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, parity 0, rts/cts = Yes, COM1 terminator 00, Com as USB = NO). Control RRC is connected to internet via LAN cable with good speed (about 300MB/s) and radio RRC connected to Teltonika 4G router with good 4G signal and speed.

Changing audio quality and jitter doesn't seem to do much difference.
« Last Edit: 2024-09-16, 09:02:29 by SA0IAT »