Author Topic: Setting up RemoteRig with TS-480 - I'm missing something!  (Read 8972 times)


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Hi All,

I'm sure we have one little thing wrong, but we have not been successful using a TS-480 outside of our local area network.

First - this is two separate problems.  I am Harold, W0HJW and I have a TS-480SAT - my brother Dave WA6DIL lives down the street with a TS-480HX.
We had a small problem with red jumpers on Dave's unit (the connector was installed backwards) - that is now working fine.  Each of us have our
RemoteRig units working perfectly inside of our own LAN.

We have each set up DynDNS and I think we have them entered correctly.  We have been able to ping each others units correctly.  In fact, we can
actually connect to each others RR Radio units remotely and change parameters remotely.  However, we cannot actually turn the unit on remotely.
I'm sure we have one parameter set wrong.

I don't know if this is an issue or not - every LAN can operate in one of two different domains ( or  Dave's network
runs in the "0" domain and mine runs in the "1" domain.  We each have the correct domain in our respective units.  So - first question - if we have
DHCP set up correctly on the RR Control unit - does it care which domain it is in?  If my home network works in one domain and I try to connect from a hotel somewhere that uses the other domain - does that cause a problem?

Dave's router IP address is (which I think is more normal).

My router IP address is (this is an ATT Yahoo! DSL router).

Both routers have the correct ports forwarded.

My setup is as follows:
Control Unit
DHCP - Yes
IP Addr
Ext IP Host (my actual IP address going into my router)
If I understand this correctly - with DHCP selected the only number that is important is the Ext IP Host address so the RR Control Unit knows where to talk to.

Radio Unit
IP Addr
Ext IP Host (my actual IP address going into my router)

Does any of this look wrong?

Thanks in advance and 73,

Harold W0HJW and Dave WA6DIL


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Re: Setting up RemoteRig with TS-480 - I'm missing something!
« Reply #1 on: 2011-09-14, 07:32:53 »

It doesn't matter how the local networks are numbered. I understand you can browse the remote unit over the internet. That's good then most settings are correct. Check that you have changed the "SIP contact" in the Control-RRC after testing on local LAN, now you should enter the dyndns address or the public IP of the remote router in the "SIP contact" field. If you have it correct and it's still not connect, probably the ISP has reserved port 5060 for their own IP-telephony, try to change the SIP port in both ends to something else 5061 for example.

73 de mike


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Re: Setting up RemoteRig with TS-480 - I'm missing something!
« Reply #2 on: 2011-09-15, 06:39:02 »
Hi Mikael,

Thank you for your answer - and you were exactly correct.  I knew it had to be simple - and it was!  I just had to put my DynDNS address into the SIP contact field and it worked perfectly.  I was able to take my TS-480 front panel and RemoteRig Control Unit down to my brothers house and I was able to control my TS-480 radio body into my antenna.

We were not as successful with my brother's (WA6DIL) RemoteRig units on his network.  He will write a separate forum entry tomorrow.  His network has different addresses for Gateway and DNS Server (and neither one is the same as the router address).  My network uses the same number for all three.

Thank you again for your help.

73, Harold W0HJW