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Topics - LA7THA

Pages: 1 [2]

I can see that RC1216 is used for Acom amp, IR, ant rotor and display the data in a web interace.
LP-100 watt meter from Larry N8LP is used here for measure power. Is it posible to use the RC1216 for the same purpose as for the Acom amp and so on. Is this a mather of some "WEB interface programing?". Is there anyone that have an watt meter where it display power in a web interface ?.

73 de LA7THA  ;)

General discussion / PC client
« on: 2011-08-24, 12:38:56 »
Hey Ronald and the Groupe

Have you hade time to serch for the problems (pc client software) that was discovered just before you went for your summer vacation using TRX manager.

73 Rune LA7THA

General discussion / PC client Software and CW
« on: 2011-05-01, 23:29:32 »

I have tested the new version 1.2.0 PC client software this weekend.
All working fine exept for using the CW Keyboard.
Maybe there is someting i have forgoten, i cant PTT or go in to TX mode when i do CW.
I programed the F1 to, "DE LA7THA", and when i pres the F1 key all looks god but the radio dont do any TX, no power or cw out. What about enable VOX in HRD ? Hmmmm any sugestion

73 Rune LA7THA

Allmänt diskussionsforum / RCC Micro PC Client
« on: 2011-04-12, 12:20:56 »

I just invested in a Micro PC client  but no luck so far to get it work.

When i use HRD whit my remoterig RRC radio and RRC Client in programmode 4 using Com 1 baude set to 19200 on RRC radio and Client all work fine using HRD or TRX-Manager.
 I installed software (ver 1.1.2) for Micro PC client and got all my settings done.
I use mode 4 on com 1 and UDP comport is com 8.
When i connect it looks like i have the SIP ok it tels me connected to sip:XXXXXXXXXX.
I also have a green "LED" indicating that my UDP com port is ok.
When i start HRD connect to UDP com 8 19200 baud i cant gett any connection to the radio.

If i go back and use my remoterig RRC Client and RRC radio in mode 4 all work ok.
Any sugestion here gents

73 Rune LA7THA

General discussion forum / WEB SWITCH
« on: 2010-11-24, 19:16:30 »
HI Gents

I got the web-switch to read/sniff data from the rig and working @ 9600 baud.
This is ok when you using HRD/TRX-Manager etc. Can the web-switch handle 57600 baud ?.
When i try 57600 it don't work, or maybe it is the opto circuit i used that don't handle this, not sure.
My friend LA9KKA want to make something so we can use the web-switch when HRD/TRX-Manager
is not in use. He want to get this to work when the Remote-head is used.
He basically wants make a circuit that read data from the rig when RCC-Radio are in program mode 5.
From what i know this is not possible today, want to use the web switch for change antennas automatically
when change band etc.

73 Rune LA7THA


We are three users on the remoterig system here.
Radio RRC settings are Programmode 4 Generric for use whit HRD, and Programmode 5
TS480 for remotehead use.
When i use the system using HRD or TRX-Manager all is ok, Programe mode 4 in Control end and Radio end. When my friend try to use the system using the Dispaly/Remotehead we cant get it to work. We change the setting in Radio RRC and Control RRC to programode 5. Baudrate in Control end is  also 57600, and controlpanel settings to YES.
When he press the ON buton on remotehead we get the yellow SIP connection but
Radio/Display do not turn ON. using Hardware 3, software version Build Feb 18 2010

Any sugestion here.

73 Rune LA7THA

General discussion forum / Remote head and HRD
« on: 2010-09-04, 02:25:26 »

Is there anyone that using Remote head and Hamradio Deluxe at the same time.
How can this be done

73 de LA7THA

General discussion forum / HRD and remoterig
« on: 2010-03-04, 11:24:46 »
Hi all, i have used HRD and remoterig for some time.
I can not get the function VFO A=B to work via remoterig.
I use HRD version 5, is there anyone that have this system working  and wonder if this problem is only here.

73 Rune LA7THA

Hi All

I have used Remoterig on cw for som time and are very happy about the result here.
I want to try digi mode psk31 and rtty using Digital Master. I made some cable here for the sound
to and from radio but have not get any sound/modulation to the radio. I decode psk31 and that are working fine. When i try to transmit i can not get any modulation out. Is there something that i have totaly forgoten ?. When i select FM or AM and then select cq button i can se that i am Keying the radio. Back in ssb mode i can also se that i keying the radio but nothing is happening and loks that i dont have any modulation. Any suggestion here ?.

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