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Topics - W4FI

Pages: [1]
General / Do I have a 'PORT' problem ?
« on: 2017-05-06, 17:44:57 »
I'm running NANO on a Nexus Pixel phone.  Runs fine via WiFi, however I cant get audio or control via phone network. I get connected but nothing else. Other phone networks seem OK.  Am I having port issues on this network? I am using Cricket network (I think it's ATT).

Are there any work-arounds or am I stuck with WIFI only?

I just installed the KIO3B USB interface in my K3.  How do I connect the RRC-1258 as I no longer have an RS-232 port on the radio?  I probably cant see the forest for the trees here so any help is appreciated.

Charlie, W4FI

General / Nexus 6
« on: 2015-03-25, 03:12:13 »
Anyone using the Google Nexus 6 phone with RRC Nano? Is it SIP capable?

Charlie, W4FI

General / Nano and Elecraft K3
« on: 2015-03-01, 23:45:46 »
Nano is working well with my Elecraft K3. However I haven't found a way to remotely turn "ON" or "OFF" the radio.  Is this possible with the current level of software?  These are really important features for me. I just cant leave the radio on and unattended while traveling or vacationing.  Any help?

General / SIP issues
« on: 2015-02-02, 17:07:29 »
Is the exclusion of SIP and SIP Audio a function of the phone's manufacturer or is it removed by the phone carrier?  I intend to upgrade my phone in a couple months and would seriously consider changing my provider if necessary.  Is there a list of useable phones as of this date?  Does anyone care to state what their experiences have been in this regard?

Charlie, W4FI

General discussion / RRC-Micro
« on: 2014-06-23, 15:11:59 »
Can someone help me setting up HRD 6.2 and RRC-Micro to allow control/operation of my K3 via WAN? I don't want to leave a computer running at the remote site and am using RRC-1258MKII there. I have the RRC-1258 system working with no problems. I would like to be able to control the station in some circumstances where use of the K3/0 Mini is not convenient. I would like to be able to use my laptop. Is HRD 6.2 capable of doing this? Are there other programs that will fill the bill? An Android application would be wonderful!!!

Charlie, W4FI

Have you ever been in the situation where you cant "see the forest for the trees"? Can someone explain how I can connect the KPA-500 to my Elecraft K3 RemoteRig set up? There are some fundamental cabling issues here that I just don't understand.
Charlie, W4FI

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