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Topics - K1UO - Larry

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I have purchased a preowned set of RRC1258 units that were factory strapped by Flex.  I notice on the Control unit there is a small resistor on the mic bias strap instead of a straight strap and also the J2 Jumper was set to open (9V) instead of the common 8 V position.

I want to use them strapped as Yaesu FT2000 so it will work with the Electric mic I will be using for the Flex 6600.  I changed J2 to provide the 8V mic bias vltg to be provided by the RRC unit.   Should I be using the resistor also or just strap the mic bias as shown in the RRC manual for the FT2000.

Also,  I am "assuming" that the FT2000 is the correct use for  also using cw and mic only to drive the Flex 6600.  No other use for the RRC boxes is intended.
Thanks for any help
Lar  K1UO

General discussion forum / I-Pad App
« on: 2016-08-22, 17:32:42 »
What is the name and cost of the Apple APP that I need for controlling my Webswitch1216H  HAM Relays via my I-Pad?   I need to be able to turn my remote located Flex6700 on/off from the Ipad as I now do via my home PC.

Larry K1UO

General discussion forum / PC Icon for the Webswitch?
« on: 2016-02-08, 00:22:56 »
This may be a stupid question but is there an PC Icon available for the Desktop that  when clicked on be made to connect to, for example, a remote Webswitch 1216H (for antenna direction control) without having to bring up the Browser and type in the remote IP address and port assigned to the wenswitch 1216H each time?  I guess an Icon on the PC desktop screen that can activate the appropriate script to steer it to the remote located Webswitch?  I have no idea if this can be done or how to do it.

Is it possible for 2 clients to access the webswitch at the same time from different locations and control the relay switching?

Does anyone know which pins to connect up on RRC COM1 port to use with the SPE2K.   Is it 2,3 and 5 or 7,8 and 5?    It looks like SPE uses 7,8,5 on their end for Remote control.    Chances are it is 7,8 and 5 but not 100% sure.

Larry  K1UO

Does Microbit have a web based solution for monitoring / controlling the SPE 1.3K or SPE 2Kfa amplifiers .
Larry  K1UO

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Configuring for JT Modes
« on: 2015-06-14, 00:26:52 »
There is probably something simple involved but I cannot seem to get the Remote K3 to actually xmit (modulate) the JT tones I hear on the control end using a K3/0 mini.  I decode signals fine and I hear the tones here when I xmit and the K3 is keying via PTT but the tones are not "driving" the audio in the rig apparently. 

Im using the local PC and have split the K3 mini speaker jack to feed the PC audio card INPUT but apparently the audio card out must need to go somewhere other than it currently does.  like back to the K3.  I have the JT configuration set for line in and out per the WSJT-X User Guide.

RemoteRig 1258

to  K3/100
RemoteRig 1258

SSB and cw works all ok.

Configuration, RRC 1258 / wrong firmware in the Webswitch
« on: 2015-05-19, 21:27:36 »
I ordered a new Webswitch early this year and just got around to taking it off the shelf and trying it locally here on the LAN before moving it to the remote site.  Somehow in my bumbling I have managed to load the wrong firmware into the  Webswitch 1216H unit.  I connected it to the usb ok and can access the switch via the Microbit Setup Manager and I get a "device connected" notification but the FW/HW version is indicating the version which is in my local RRC control unit.  I disconnected the RRC and just tried connecting the Webswitch to the router but the router is not recognizing it.
I tried an advanced reset of the Webswitch to default values but it comes up and asks me if I want to set default settings in the RRC!.  Also when I ask for the HW/FW version from the unit it comes back with  Ver: 007,  Firmware 2.84, Bootloader 1.10 and HW 008.

I tried just loading the new Webswitch 1216H ver 4.15 via USB and it goes through the loading process and fails with the (Invalid File Content) failure.

Can anyone help me out of this mess please. I don't know how I managed to load the wrong firmware in the first place...  I would have thought I would have received the same (Invalid File Content) message I now get.... but its done and I just need to get back to the correct firmware somehow.

I ordered a new Webswitch early this year and just got around to taking it off the shelf and trying it locally here on the LAN before moving it to the remote site.  Somehow in my bumbling I have managed to load the wrong firmware into the  Webswitch 1216H unit.  I connected it to the usb ok and can access the switch via the Microbit Setup Manager and I get a "device connected" notification but the FW/HW version is indicating the version which is in my local RRC control unit.  I disconnected the RRC and just tried connecting the Webswitch to the router but the router is not recognizing it.
I tried an advanced reset of the Webswitch to default values but it comes up and asks me if I want to set default settings in the RRC!.  Also when I ask for the HW/FW version from the unit it comes back with  Ver: 007,  Firmware 2.84, Bootloader 1.10 and HW 008.

I tried just loading the new Webswitch 1216H ver 4.15 via USB and it goes through the loading process and fails with the (Invalid File Content) failure.

Can anyone help me out of this mess please. I don't know how I managed to load the wrong firmware in the first place but its done and I just need to get back to the correct firmware somehow.

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Remote RRC1258 STATUS port values
« on: 2015-05-05, 21:29:54 » the next question.  The STATUS page of the remote RRC1258 Has a Command out port value of 1024 and a Command in value of 13002.    The remote router is configured correctly to allow port 13002 for both UDP and TCP.  I notice the SIP and Audio ports in/out values for 13000 and 13001 match each on the RRC1258 Status page  but the Command in/out ports do not and nothing I do changes the Command out port value from 1024.   Is this normal?     

Configuration, RRC 1258 / PTT with the K3/0 Mini
« on: 2015-05-03, 23:52:31 »
I recently changed over to the K3 mini and have cw working fine and SSB working fine.  The PTT via a footswitch connected to the PTT jack on the K3/mini works ok on my local LAN radio setup but when I switch profiles over to the K3 at the remote site via WAN I cannot get the PTT to key the radio there.  what simple little thing am I missing to allow me to use the footswitch to key up the remote  K3.  I am using a Yamaha CM500 plugged into the side jacks on my K3/mini.  As I mentioned this all works via my LAN radio setup just not WAN.  Using Mode 7 of Com 1 for serial settings and 14 for Radio Program Mode.

This may be a non issue but Im not used to getting blasted by a high audio volume  when the volume control is only at about 7-8 O'clock level on the K3.   The AGC is on in the radio but there seems to be a real excess of volume since I'm used to having the comfortable audio level on the K3 set around 10:00 O'clock level.
Is there a setting in the RRCs that can adjust this possibly?  If so , I have missed that option.  Then again... maybe its a setting in the K3 I have missed.

Larry  K1UO

Configuration, Webswitch 1216H / Webswitch access
« on: 2015-02-14, 23:01:21 »
Is the webswitch designed to be directly accessed and controlled via Ethernet or must it be controlled via the RRC by filling in the 1216H port information via Microbit setup manager.

I guess I was thinking it is a standalone switch I can use to switch Beverage antenna directions but Im getting confused on how to do that as I am not finding the complete user/setup manual online like I did the RC-1216H I have to control the amplifier.
Sorry for the stupid questions but maybe like the RTTY stuff, Im just making this too tough.

General discussion forum / Random Keying of the K3
« on: 2015-02-11, 00:02:51 »
I am using a K3/0 (not mini) and a K3/100 for remoteing.....Has anyone experienced random keying up of the K3 for very short duration... sort of like what you would get by intentionally hitting the dit side of the keyer at 30 wpm..   This started happening just a day or so ago while we have been trying settings to get RTTY working (NO success there either)   I can sometimes trigger the xmit  by fast tuning the K3/) control unit.   I would love to have someone send their RRC settings (html) so I can see if maybe something is wrong in my particular settings that may be causing this.
 Also:  I installed an FTDI serial to USB cable on the control unit com#1 (comes up as port16) and tried using that port for the Logger but the logging program doesn't recognize it at all so I still need to use the mini usb port Com1 (virtual port 4) for DX Labs Logger control.  (question.. if I use the Com 1 rs232 on the RRC Control can I also use the mini usb Com 1?)

General discussion forum / Access to RC1216 Acom2000 view
« on: 2015-02-05, 18:32:15 »
We installed a RC1216H unit at the Remote to monitor/control the Acom2000a.  We prt forwarded 13010 as the control port.  Shouldn't I be able to access the Acom2000a view on the Control end PC by just inputting the Remote IP#  and the port #?       such as 76.178.XXX.XXX :13010 

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