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Topics - EB2AQH

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / YAESU version new features
« on: 2019-07-01, 17:43:42 »
Problems to solve:
- Switch on the radio after connect
- VFO and Mode doesn't work
- Audio doesn't work when connecting data phone via wifi (SIP audio port error)
New features:
- Possibility to create your own macros (some kind of function keys) using CAT commands.
   It will be perfect to use only functions that you really need (for example ATU, DNR, Mic gain, Repeater shift ...).
- Select ON/OFF switch off radio when disconnect (now automatically radio is disconnected)
- Improve Smeter graphic display (bars will be much better) also show TX information (ALC, PWR, SWR)

Tested with YAESU FT-991


What is the purpose for female connectors 3,5 mm in the 1274B box?
I cannot find explanation about it on website.
Is it posible to use this conections to provide audio in/out to WSJT-X software on FT8 mode?
I tried to install virtual cable software to connect audio betwen RRC-Micro and WSJT-X but it doesn't work at all. I had to uninstall everything, seems to be some sort of incompatibilities.

General / RRC-Nano 1.6.2 with Yaesu FT-991 testing results
« on: 2019-06-06, 16:08:17 »
Hi all,
I was testing this app during one month with my FT-991 and Samsung A8 cell phone.  Those are the results.
Good points:
- Audio quality (mike and speaker) very good and without latency
- Simple installation and configuration
- Possibility to use Bluetooth devices, also to connect with car hands-free system
Things to improve:
-  App connect with remoterig server but radio is not switched on so you need to do it pushing physically the radio button.
- After closing app the radio is automatically switched off. This feature cannot be configured as in the RRC-1258
- Frequency  appears on the display but cannot be changed.
- Band +/- operate well
- PTT works OK
- Mode not change all the times
- App goes to standby after 30 seconds. You must continuously press screen to wake-up phone

Good idea to implement such service to connect your radio with a cell-phone.
App must be improved to provide minimum requirements to  be operative for a basic functionality. Problem with switch on radio when app connect must be solved, if not it's unusefull for remote operations.
Basic plus new added features will make this app very interesting.
Not for now.

General discussion / Yaesu FT-991 power on remote control
« on: 2019-05-09, 23:49:58 »
Hi all,
I have connected my FT-991 via RS-232 COM 2, data, audio and PTT OK
Only thing still not working is switching on my radio on remote when starting Ham Radio Deluxe PC software. I must switch on FT-991 manualy (asking my wife to do it at home) and after that start HRD on my laptop conected with RRC-Micro PC client.
Exiting from HRD switch off radio OK.
Configuration menu on RRC-1258 MkII: Radio avanced setting Yaesu power-on/off   is set to Yes.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advace.

Pages: [1]