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Topics - Chris DL5NAM

Pages: [1]
Hardware, Cabling, Installations / K3 Remote
« on: 2014-05-27, 10:41:23 »
I try to get a K3/100 - K3/0-Mini running with RRC1258. Using original cable kit on both sides from Elecraft.

K3/100 is connected to PS ( K3 is switched off and PS is ON)
If i connect the cable from K3 ACC connector to the I/O connector of RRC then K3 switched on. RRC ist not(!) connected to any PS, no(!) other cable connected.

Then i try and ground (-) PIN 8 of K3 ACC (it's PIN5 at RRC I/O) and K3 switch on.

[...from K3 manual: Remote Power On/Off A remote-control system can pull the POWER ON
line to ground (ACC connector, pg. 18) to turn the K3 ON.]

I measure RRC PIN5 (RRC without any other cable or PS connection) = its on ground (-)

My question: there are any pull down resistor (R123 ?)  in RRC at this PIN 5 - any workaround or Jumper?

73 Chris

General discussion forum / RS232 <--> LAN
« on: 2014-04-24, 07:56:01 »
Searching for a solution to connect also my Amp with RS232 via LAN for remote operation. Any hint ?

73 Chris

General discussion forum / Rotor
« on: 2012-10-10, 20:30:58 »
There any plans to add function (- Reading/controlling via HTTP) for read/write position for rotor like the million function for NEXA  ;) ?
Idea is to build a HTML page with all status info like all used Temp sensors, actual position of rotor and so on

73 Chris

General discussion forum / any using V2.5 with success?
« on: 2012-06-11, 10:46:23 »
Hello, i am using the V2.5 firmware and try to activate in Advanced settings a other function type. Can select a new function type but after Submit and Apply it shows always : Manual relay and temp reading

Also no chance to reach a antennas switch window.

Antenna selection window shows always: Not supported in this Function Type!

Missing a real manual, online help not real a help.

Any comment/help from Remoterig crew is welcome ( Teamviewer still runing :-)

General discussion forum / Rotor control
« on: 2012-06-10, 20:00:09 »
When using the Webswitch 1216H for Prosistel rotor control, the 5 internal relais can used for switching antennas also? If yes, can i use a further Webswitch as slave antenna switch too? Will using a K3/0 + K3/100 solution.
Any hints or comments welcome.

73 Chris

General discussion / new version HRD 5.11
« on: 2012-03-01, 16:12:05 »
Only for info - and for future planing:

1 Year phone and email support for HRD 5.1 and get a upgrade to 6.0 at no additional charge! Our Price: $ 59.95

begin June 2012: 79.95 $ .... and then every year(!) 40.-US$ if you like to be "up-to-date"

HRD is now a US product -  starting with version 6 it will be no longer freeware.

73 Chris

General discussion forum / RC1216H or WebSwitch1216
« on: 2011-12-27, 17:26:34 »
Hello, can any explain me the difference between this 2 products in case of rotor controll? Want controll a Prosistel rotor.

General discussion forum / German Board
« on: 2011-11-07, 17:33:06 »
now we have a forum for Svenska and for English. Can we have a forum in german too? Why?

I hate it if i cant read it. Maybe the guys from SM and LA will have the same problem with german text like me with:
Jeg har FTDX5000mp som kobles til com 2. Så skal jeg koble fra COM 1 til OM3500a og fra OM PA til PC.
Jeg mister kommunikasjonen til OM trinnet og selvsagt også til PC.
Baudrate er satt til 9600 både på radio, pa, pc og COM1 og 2.
Har forsøkt med vanlig rs232 kabel og 0 modemkabel, men NIL.

Jeg ser på manualen at pinne 2-3 skal krysses og det samme med 7-8
I RRC er mode satt til 7

Noen som kan hjelpe meg??

73/ Tor La3waa


So its will be only fair  ;) - wäre für mich wirklicher Ham Spirit wenn wir alle alles lesen könnten; entweder nur englisch oder alle gewünschten Sprachen und dann auch deutsch

73 Chris

General discussion forum / UBox Application Software
« on: 2011-03-09, 07:46:07 »
Hi, looking for a web address where i can found the Application Software for the UBox.
Or any who can send me via PM a copy.
Anybody using this device (USB to LAN) in combination with RemoteRig and can give some assistants?

Any info is welcome

73 Chris

General discussion / Error message
« on: 2011-01-31, 21:37:19 »
Have installed newest version of the Microbit RRC Client on a Windows7 PC.
If i click button Selecting Panels i get an error window. Same if i click "Show program Information"

Dont know how to include the picture right way


any using the new soft RS-BA1 from ICOM?

Will be nice to get a short info how it works

73 Chris

General discussion forum / Status page
« on: 2011-01-04, 11:58:21 »
Please, can you add on Status page what Profile is in use like:

     Active profile: DL5NAM

I things it's helpful and should be a detail/part of status page. Yes, if i clic on Profile page i can see what profile is in use.

May be, if no space left in memory, delete: Control panel   ON
It's, i think, a useless info. Maybe i am wrong but i dont know at what condition it will show OFF.

73 Chris

General discussion forum / LANTRONIX Ubox 4100
« on: 2011-01-03, 09:43:51 »

still any X-mas wishes open - or some bucks left after shopping?

Found at Ebay:    LANTRONIX Ubox 4100 | 4 port | USB DEVICE SERVER

Used but cheap: 46 Eu incl. 12 month warranty

6 pieces left - 2 on the way :-)

73 Chris
i am a buyer of 2 - not the dealer :)

General discussion forum / DNS status
« on: 2010-12-29, 15:29:32 »
Hello, any info for a beginner?

DNS status   OK, =
(Found at Status window)

IP is from Denmark and owner is RemoteRig. What it means? That every activity from every RRC will stored in Denmark on a server ?
 (WikiLeaks or "Big brother watching you" ;D)

73 Chris

Pages: [1]