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Topics - WQ0P

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I have a Jetpack™ MiFi® 6620L that I can see and connect to from a couple older computers with no trouble.  I cannot see the Jetpack™ MiFi® 6620L in my wi-fi scan list on my RRC-1258 MkII with the wifi board installed.  I can use my remoter rig from hotel rooms with no trouble.  I just do not see the Jetpack™ MiFi® 6620L on the scan list!  Any help would be great.

Greg WQ0P

Configuration, RRC 1258 / I need help starting over!!!
« on: 2013-01-31, 21:48:37 »
Should have posted here first...

This stuff is killing me!!!!!
I have spent all day trying to get this to work!!!  Worst part is I know
I do not know what I am doing!!!

I had it all working at one time.  I have a pair of the RRC-1258IIs units that
I am using with a TS-2000.  It was working many months ago.

Today I installed the latest"Microbit Setup Manager v1.19 and I can talk to
both units one at a time.

Today I installed the latest Firmware Update 2.66 and bootloader 1.9.  That all seems
to have installed correctly.

I can access both the Remote, and Control RRC through my web-browser using default addresses on RRC's

I CAT V cable both RRC's into router/hub

I cannot remember what all I have done, but all I have ever gotten, and always get is the series of beeds.....

beep beep beep............beep beep beep.........beep beep beep........

All I want to do is reset everything and start over, but I do not know how.

Any and all help would be great.  This is frustrating as hell!

Thanks Greg.

This stuff is killing me!!!!!
I have spent all day trying to get this to work!!!  Worst part is I know
I do not know what I am doing!!!

I had it all working at one time.  I have a pair of the RRC-1258IIs units that
I am using with a TS-2000.  It was working many months ago. 

Today I installed the latest"Microbit Setup Manager v1.19 and I can talk to
both units one at a time.

Today I installed the latest Firmware Update 2.66 and bootloader 1.9.  That all seems
to have installed correctly.

I can access both the Remote, and Control RRC through my web-browser using default addresses on RRC's

I CAT V cable both RRC's into router/hub

I cannot remember what all I have done, but all I have ever gotten, and always get is the series of beeds.....

beep beep beep............beep beep beep.........beep beep beep........

All I want to do is reset everything and start over, but I do not know how.

Any and all help would be great.  This is frustrating as hell!

Thanks Greg

I am trying to get my Rotor Control to work on Com 1 on the RRC 1258IIs.  I am trying to get my tailtwister with an EZ-rotor from Idiom Press working.  My first attempts have failed.  I am guessing at what settings to use.  Does someone have this working?  Can you send me the settings that you are using?  I am taking my setup one step at a time.  Got the radio working remote, then got the CW working, and now trying to get the rotor control working.  Thanks Greg WQ0P.

I have had the RRC-1258 MkIIs setup now for about 3 weeks and have really enjoyed working 10 meter SSB during my lunchbreak at work!  So I tried to get the CW setup to work.... going on 1 week working on this and trying to find more info.  I have tried exactly like the Manual says to do it, but it does not work.   I am using the RRC with a Kenwood TS-2000X and an old bencher BY-1 iambic paddle.  I can get the paddles to send a signal that is keying the radio and it is putting out a signal on CW, but it is not what I am sending.  I have the CW monitor volume of the TS-2000 turned down to nothing so I do not hear the TS-2000.  I am only listening to the RRC built in keyer.  The RRC keyer sounds fine on the RRC unit and I can vary the speed fine and all seems to work fine at the remote end.  I use a separate reciever and listen to the TX of the TS-2000.  Depending on what settings I use it will either send dits, or dahs, or any combination of these, but never a dit and a dah correctly. Also the TS-2000 tx signal will not adjust in speed when I use the cw speed control on the RRC unit.  I am at my witts end with this.  I have checked all my cables, changed them, rewired them, and still does the same thing.  I have tried the settings in the manual, and all others I thought might work.  Nothing!!!  Can someone please help me?  A list of all of the settings that someone else is using that works fine with a TS-2000 would be great.  I might have something set wrong on the TS-2000, if someone has a list of the settings for the TS-2000 menu settings that might be nice also.

Thanks in advance.   Greg WQ0P ???

     I could use some help please.  I have a TS-2000X, the RC-2000, two Lynksys WRT54GL wireless routers that are flashed with DD-WRT Version 23 SP2, and a fresh set (two days old) of RRC-1258MkIIs.  I am very excited about getting these working, but I know very little about the networking side of things.  Here is what I have done so far.  My home internet is DSL that comes in the house and goes through a DSL modem to a Linksys WRT54GL wireless router (flashed with DD-WRT), then to a four port Linksys BEFSR41 router, then to a 16 port switch.   I was able to get the Web Browser to see both RRC units at the 16 port switch level, but no control of the radio.... finished this about 1:00am in the morning.  The next day I moved the RRC units to the Linksys wireless WRT54GL router and was able to get everything to work just fine, I can control the TS-2000 with the RC-2000 with both RRC units pluged into the 4 port hub of the wireless router. 

Does this mean that is was working through my

I then took the Control RRC and hooked it up to another Linksys WRT54GL and I am trying to get it to work from about 10 feet away.  I know that I have to change some settings, but I do not know what to do and I have read the manual many times and researched the forum for many many hours and my head is really spinning now that I am not coming up with a procedure that makes any sense.  Did I say that I am not a network guy?  All of my success has been from trial and error.... with lots of errors.

What I need is for someone to help me finish this up.  I am not sure what to do next.  I can see the Control RRC on the second wireless router with my Web Browser and  Mirobit setup manager.  I can change settings, but I am LOST now! 

Looking for help soon!
Greg WQ0P

I would gladly give my phone number out if someone thinks they can walk me through this.....!

Hello to all. 
     I will have the RRC1258MkIIs arriving this week.  I will be useing it with a Kenwood TS-2000X.  I have been reading the
PDF manual and I get a little confused at times in the set up proceedures.
     Can someone direct me to a thread that will help me with the TS-2000 setup?  I do not want to reinvent the wheel, but I
am willing to learn.
     It also looks like I am going to need a differnt type of microphone with the modular plug.  Any suggestions on a good mic?

     Any and all help would be great to get through this process.

     I have also ordered the Kenwood RC-2000 remote head for the TS-2000X and will be implementing it into the project.

     I need some been there done that comments that are not documented, and a list of accessories that I will need to finish
the setup and get it on the air.  I am not afraid of making cables up, just want to know the best proceedures and material and sources of material.

Sorry for the long post of help!
Seatbelt has now been fastened.
Let me have it!

Greg WQ0P  EM19vf

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