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Messages - w9ac

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Status page attached...


We use the following for port-forwarding at the remote site's router.  These ports are set based on Elecraft's recommendation for use with the RRC:

RRIG_cmd 13002 (UDP and TCP)
RRIG_audio 13001 (UDP and TCP)
RRIG_sip 13000 (UDP and TCP)

I have asked him for a print screen of the status page and will attach when received.  Many thanks, Mitch.

Paul, W9AC

One of our remote site users is in Cancun, trying to use his RRC from a condo to connect back to the remote site in FL.  He's an experienced RRC user and routinely operates remote. 

He can obtain a solid green PWR LED connection indication, and perhaps 20% of the time he can connect to the site.  But for the most part, he cannot connect.  When he can't, the yellow LED on the RJ-45 jack flashes yellow.  The RRC manual states that this is a SIP error. 

TelMex is the cable modem ISP in Cancun.  He can ping the remote site and connect to the site's VNC and TeamViewer apps with no trouble.  Ping times are about 100 ms.

Any clues to localize a problem where the PWR LED is solid green, yet there's a flashing yellow LED SIP error?

Paul, W9AC

Yes, after a reboot, a survey is initiated and looks for best signal quality.  But if the current locked-on cell site goes down and a backup site is detected with signal quality above the acceptable threshold, then it will stay there until the next reboot -- or if that cell site goes down it will then lock onto another.  So, it's important in this case to periodically poll the router for the current cell site.  The router report shows detailed signal quality, cell site, and direction from the antenna.

Paul, W9AC 

Further update...

The Elecraft K3 is back at the remote site.  After a day of testing, CW timing over the Verizon 4G/LTE network is excellent and so far, better than the bonded DSL circuit at its best. 

When I logged into the remote site a few days ago, I noticed that signal strength as reported by the Verizon router was only 2/5 bars.  At the time of installation, it was 4/5 bars.  Here's what happened:  The main Verizon site is about 3 miles away from us.  That site went down a few days after the installation.  The site with 2/5 bars comes from Crawford, FL, another 7 miles away.

The 4G router will not conduct another site survey until signal metrics drop below an amount determined in a setup menu.  If 2/5 bars are "good enough," there it stays even if a stronger 4G cell site comes back on line.  I think common cell phones do the same, only we see it much more active in a roaming/mobile environment.  There's a certain level of hysteresis to avoid rapidly switching between cell sites with smaller changes in RF and SNR level. 

Once we drop the towers on the base piers, we'll move the 4G antenna to the 100 ft. self-supporting tower and attach it about 30 ft. off the ground.  That height will give us line-of-site to the main and secondary cell sites.  The odds of both cell sites going down are much smaller than for a single site, especially if Verizon's cell sites are connected in a SONET fiber ring.

We're now into three weeks of service and the Dynamic DNS service has been tracking the public IP changes just fine.  The final test occurred with the K3/RemoteRig and thankfully, it's working as planned.

"Crane day" is June 21.  We're almost QRV again.

Paul, W9AC

Here's a quick update after last week's installation of Verizon's "LTE Internet Installed" service...

The install went fast and smooth.  The antenna is up on a mast at about 10 feet above ground and getting 3/6 bars of signal strength that translates to the mid-acceptable dBm input level.  Speed tests show approximately 12 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload.  Ping times are definitely longer with this service over DSL and it's more erratic.  From my home to the site about 30 miles away, I see ping times range from 60 ms. to 300 ms.  With DSL, I was seeing 40ms. to 80 ms.     

The good news is the IP operates just like any cable or DSL ISP in that a public IP releases and renews every few days, making it possible to use any dynamic DNS service.  If this had not worked, Verizon no longer allows the purchase of a static public IP for personal accounts.  If you want a static IP, it's USD $500 but now you must upgrade the service to a more expensive commercial account.  So far, my dynamic DNS has been tracking the rolling IP just fine.  One nice feature of Verizon's router is that it allows for the dynamic DNS service to be polled right from the router; a client program on a PC isn't necessary.  I have accessed the site using RealVNC, TeamViewer, and the client-server programs like PsTRotator all work fine. 

I have NOT yet placed the K3 and RemoteRig at the site.  The K3 is being updated with Elecraft's mods so there won't be an opportunity to try it for another few weeks.  Of concern to me is the great variance in ping time and how that will affect CW.  More to come...

Paul, W9AC 


Many thanks for confirming.  This should work out well with Verizon's 30 GB plan.

Paul, W9AC


Thanks for the links.  In one of the links, you indicate that Mode 7 is 100MB/hour. Mode 7 is 16 kHz, Linear, 12-bit (180 kbps).  I normally use 2 channels at 8 kHz, Linear, 12-bit.  But that mode shows 130 kbps which is not half of Mode 7.  So, what is the actual data rate using Mode 2 (8k,12,Lin), with "Audio Dual-Rx" enabled for 2-channel audio?  The same as Mode 7 with Audio Dual-Rx disabled?  If so, I compute the following:

100MB/hour = 1GB for 10 hours.  My Verizon plan will be 30 GB/month.  30GB = 300 hours.  300 hours/30 (days in a month) = 10 hours per day of 2 channel, 8 kHz, 12-bit coding. 

Paul, W9AC

Verizon is set for the installation next week.  I need a reality check concerning data usage:  My RemoteRig runs 2 channel stereo, 8 kHz, 12-bits.  The Verizon data service plan is sold in monthly 10, 20, and 30GB increments.  Not that I would do it, but how much continuous data would be consumed for 30 days using the RemoteRig setup I described?  I'll have other overhead like RealVNC and a few remote/host programs like PstRotator but that's all small in comparison to the audio stream.  I also close VNC once a connection is made and let the remote/host programs take over. 

My calculation shows approximately 165 GB for one month of continuous streaming at 16 kHz (2 channels x 8 kHz).  With a 30GB monthly data plan, that's roughly 4.5 hours of streaming per day with no other applications overhead.  Double the amount of time available (9 hours) if 2-channel audio is disabled. 

Now, what I'm still unsure of is how this calculation relates to transceive operation.  Do I need to cut the time in half if I ever run the RemoteRig in full duplex mode?

Paul, W9AC

Mitch & Nizar,

Many thanks for the feedback.  Once a public-accessible static IP is purchased, this looks like a very good alternative to DSL.  It will also be nice to get away from my Dynamic DNS service.  Most of the time, it keeps up with the ISP's IP changes, but sometimes it doesn't. 

Even with a bonded DSL circuit, the present site is limited to 1 Mbps on upload, although the DSL ISP appears to severely throttle-back upload bandwidth.  And that's been the biggest headache when running a real-time SDR-IQ panadapter with an Elecraft K3. With the SDR-IQ's client/server application, my tests show approximately 3 Mbps is needed for smooth, jitter-free performance.  While I can view the panadpater through TeamViewer or Real VNC, it's not the same and also adds to screen clutter.  Further adding to the problem, as upload bandwidth is consumed with the panadapter, CW timing becomes affected.   

I am in the process of moving the remote site one mile down a rural dirt road.  Unfortunately, due to twists and turns, that adds about 3 miles of copper from the ISP's DSLAM and their engineering team believes performance will be noticeably degraded on upload.  Verizon shows the "LTE Internet Installed" service is limited to 2-5 Mbps upload which will be marginal, but way better than 1 Mbps from the current DSL.

Paul, W9AC   

Looks like a public-accessible static IP can be purchased from Verizon Wireless for a one-time fee of $500.  Ouch.  But better than the alternative.

Paul, W9AC

Thanks, Mitch.  Could my solution really be this easy:

Specs show "4G Public Static IP Capable," multiple Ethernet ports, and SMA RF connector for external, directional antenna. 

This looks product looks good too, but not sure if it 's Public Static IP capable.
Paul, W9AC

General discussion forum / RemoteRig over Cellular Network
« on: 2016-12-15, 05:08:40 »
I need to vacate DSL and look to a cellular solution at my rural remote site.  Verizon covers my remote location with strong 4G service.  Is there a cellular data transceiver or similar that accepts a SIM card and mimics a smart phone in hotspot mode?  I am looking to use a small outdoor antenna for best reception.  The goal is to connect a RemoteRig on a small LAN to the cellular transceiver.  I am interested in specific model numbers and sellers.  Thanks.

Paul, W9AC

General discussion forum / Re: CW Mode with N1MM+
« on: 2016-10-04, 18:07:49 »
Thanks for the suggestion, Serge.  I double-checked the RRC Control unit.  CW Delay (50 ms.) and LF Delay (100 ms.) appear to be fine. 

Any other ideas are welcome.

Paul, W9AC 

General discussion forum / CW Mode with N1MM+
« on: 2016-10-04, 14:04:01 »
I have N1MM+ set up as a client at home.  It tunnels through the RRCs and communicates with an Elecraft K3 at the remote site.  Using keyboard CW from N1MM is fine.  But when I use paddles with N1MM running, CW is corrupt.  Without N1MM, CW with paddles is fine. 

Setup ideas?

Paul, W9AC

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