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Messages - DF3VM

Pages: [1]
Hi Mitch,

both RRC's are connected (can see it in the "Status") via Remoterig DNS, but I don't want to connect a radio to the RRC. (I use a Flex6600 on the remote site with Maestro & SmartSDR at the control-site - no no further hardware wanted and needed). But the Flex has this f*** "remote keying & sidetone" issue, so I had the idea to use one of my RRC-pairs ONLY for Keying the Flex with a paddle. Seems that the keying is not possible without a radio connected to the RRC.... Runnig my K3-Twin Setup via the same network-config is working as espected.

Ok, I need another plan...


running a K3-Twin-Setup for yrs without any issue, I'm familiar with setting up the network etc.

But now I ONLY want to use the internal keyer to key a remote Flex - not CAT-control via remoteRig!
Network is working fine, but i can't get any did out of the Box. Is it not working without a Radio connected?

I would be very happy to receive help.

Mike, DF3VM

Pages: [1]