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Messages - oz1rh

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Allmänt diskussionsforum / Re: Min kompis har fått fiber
« on: 2017-09-21, 13:04:58 »
Why use the D-link DSL-275B? A simpler setup is using just the fiber router Technicolor TG799 with the relevant port forward and the old IP LAN IP range

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

Feature Requests / Re: About Feature Requests
« on: 2017-09-19, 12:07:21 »
Long time since the Nano's have been updated. Is anyone reading the feature requests on this Nano board?

Using the antenna tuner can be important:
For Nano Elecraft I need the TUNE button and the antenna select ANT 1/2 to work.
For Nano ICOM I need the TUNE button to work on IC-7100.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

I am not familiar with UVerse, but Google gave me this: :
You don't need to disable SIP ALG with the newer U-verse firmware. I think that option moved to a device specific firewall setting - one of the application choices is "SIP gateway". I do NOT use that option and it works fine, when it definitely did NOT work with SIP ALG enabled on the earlier U-verse firmware.

You might check if this applies to your router and its firmware.

GL, Palle, OZ1RH.

>When I enable DMZ, all internet access is shut off.
Enabling DMZ means all traffic is send to the local IP adr set when DMZ was confgured. Have you set as the DMZ adr?

Your port forward rules of all ports to is the same as using DMZ, but you can't use port forward and DMZ at the same time. As I understand your picture of the port forward page you forward all ports to, but that rule is disabled. It should be enabled.

Using DMZ is a securitity issue so don't use DMZ. I suggest you follow the recomendations in the manual and only forward the needed ports (13000-13002 and the port you select for the radio RRC web page) to your radio RRC

The networking checklist of Mitch is a good one and should be included in the Remoterig Users Manual.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

"beep beep beep" is coming only from the control RRC and means that the control RRC does not connect for audio and likely not for the other ports either. You can't conclude that there is a partially connect. The status pages in the two RRC's shows to what extend they connect.

Can you from your control site ping the external (WAN) IP address at the radio site? Have you done your port forwarding in the router at the radio site? Can you access the status page of the radio RRC? Any errors there? Are you using port 5060 for SIP audio? Port 5060 is often blocked. SIP ALG should be disabled. What are the errors on the the status page of the control RRC?

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

DMZ and Port Forwarding is only relevant at the remote (=radio) site. Check that the new router at your control site does not have ALG enabled.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

General discussion forum / Re: IMO Mobile WiFi device
« on: 2017-08-14, 01:27:16 »
The device might work, however your problem is if its SIM card or rather your ISP will give it a public IP address which can be accessed from the Internet. It does not matter if the public IP address is dynamic or static. So ask your ISP and if they do not not know what a public IP address routeable on the Internet is, ask them to to use Google... I have been there, the customer service of my ISP had no idea of this, they just talked of dynamic IP addresses.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

General discussion forum / Re: Stuttering audio
« on: 2017-05-18, 14:18:45 »
It seems to be a network problem, look for packet loss somewhere. If a large amount of data traffic on the network at either the control or the remote end is the problem this can be overcome by reserving bandwith (QoS) in the routers. A history of ping times and packet loss can be made see You might try pinging with a large packet size, in pingplotter Edit>Options>Packet. At both ends ping your default gateway to check the local network and then ping something stable on the internet like to check each of the WAN connections. 

If Wifi is used at either end the RF channel might have QRM from something like TV streaming or other Wifi routers on same or nearby channels. A move to 5 GHz might help.

Btw PingPlotter Standard Trial version 3.41.0s works after the trial period has elapsed by waiting 10 sec and clicking "Do it later". The current trial version does not have this "feature".

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

If you are looking for troubles buy a cheap RS232-USB cable with a Prolific chip set inside. Otherwise pay a little more and get a cable with a FTDI chip set.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

General discussion forum / Re: Yeasu FT-857 No TX Audio
« on: 2017-04-20, 02:14:23 »
It is a long time since I had an 857, so just a guess: did you connect the microphone to the control head or the RRC? Page 157 of the manual says:

Control-RRC: The original microphone can be connected direct to the RRC AUX/MIC connector.

Between the RRC AUX/MIC connector and the radios microphone jack you can connect the standard screened patch cable (CAT5 or CAT6) included in the FT-857 package.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

@Mike: The remote site seems to have the public IP adr and I have tested that there is a working K3+RRC1258 at that IP adr. At the control site it does not matter if the IP address is private or public.

@focusedham W7RN/WA5LES? : Your description of the error situation is not quite clear, so I may have misunderstood it. Did you get a new ISP at at the control end or at the radio end? Which device pings with 0ms?

I can ping a radio site here from Denmark. Since it is in your config file I assume it is your radio site. Can you ping from your control site? If not your ISP has a problem unless of course you have a firewall at your control site blocking

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

Changed ISP's on the remote end (K3/0)
A K3/0 sits at the control end and the radio at the radio end, which I would call the remote end.

>Have not changed any settings on the MKII Controller
If you got a new ISP at your control site you might need to change IP settings in your control RRC-1258 box. You write that you are able to ping a device with 0ms. With 0 ms that is a local ping and if you are able to ping your control RRC-1258 box its IP settings are OK.

If you got a new ISP at your radio site it seems you have changed Sip contact(RadioRRC IP/hostname) to the new IP address i Radio settings in your RRC controller as you should. Since you published your config file with IP address and password (!) I changed those things in my controller and successfully connected my K3/0-Mini to which I assume is your radio site. So the Remoterig and K3 setup at works.

If your your radio site and your control site is from the same ISP that ISP might have a firewall preventing their customers to contact each other. Here in Denmark the company '3' has that unlikely 'feature' which is a real error. Can you ping your radio site from your control site?

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

>alg sip? I do not find any parameters named so ...
That parameter might be in the internet routers.

From your video I see that when your 7100 display turns on it displays "Auto Power Off xx minutes". Your friends 7100 does not display that. I can not figure out if that difference influence your problem.

You do not show the status page of your controlling RR-1258, any errors there when the screen does not switch on?

Are you sure you use the right profiles in your tests?

After your 7100 display turns on can you then switch off and on again with the same profile with out rebooting your control RR-1258?

After your 7100 display turns on can you then switch off and on again with the same profile after rebooting your control RR-1258?

I sometimes have a problem with my 7100 setup not working. I have found that "UDP cmd status" in one of the RR-1258's then displayes an error. My remedy in that situation is to power cycle the 7100-radio by removing 13,8 V and applying 13,8 V again trough my Rigrunner 4005i: This Rigrunner is nice to have at the remote site.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

General discussion forum / Re: K3 Mini Term Mode
« on: 2017-04-10, 18:05:51 »
Does 'UDP cmd status' display any errors at either end?

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

Seems your new fiber net router is not the problem as remote works when you do certain things at the control site. As I understand it something at the control site remembers what you have done before. I can't think of anything else than the profile in RR-1258. Though firewalls can remember sessions that is not likely for firewalls in consumer routers.

You should publish how the whole status page of your remote RR-1258 and the control RR-1258 look like when you have the problem. Any errors may point to what the problem is.

73, Palle, OZ1RH.

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