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Feature Requests / I can no longer connect
« Last post by JJ8LNX on 2024-04-29, 05:00:37 »
Not recently, but for about 3 years now, Nano has been unable to connect.
I purchased a paid app for the IC-7100 and TS-480 and was able to use it for a while, but when the coronavirus started to spread, when I tried to connect, it was connected to the network (the radio was turned on) but No voice or control whatsoever. I can't use either application.
My friend also purchased a separate application to remotely control my radio, but it stopped working around the same time.
Around that time, I contacted them via email, but I didn't hear back from them, so I left it alone, but since a failure occurred in another case, I remembered it and would like to write about it here.
I definitely want a reply.
Hardware, Cabling, Installations / Control abnormality
« Last post by JJ8LNX on 2024-04-29, 04:53:03 »
I can no longer connect to two controls.
When the control is connected to a normal LAN and the power is turned on, the LED usually lights up several times before turning on and allowing access, but there is a phenomenon where the LED keeps blinking forever.

I tried resetting the device and reinstalling the latest firmware just to be sure, but the symptoms persist.
When displayed in Setup Manager, the serial and MAC address are displayed, but the IP address etc. are displayed as "". There is a possibility that the LAN cable has deteriorated, but it is the same even if it is new.

Although they were used in different environments, it seems that both failures were related to Ethernet. I would like to know what measures are effective for this.

I was using 3 controllers, but now I only have one left. I'm worried that it will break soon.
Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: IC7100: first setup failed
« Last post by dm1ts on 2024-04-26, 16:34:33 »
Thanks Mike for fixing my issue. The baudrate for com0 was not set to 38400. Now it works great.

73s, Tor
Configuration, RRC 1258 / AF volume problem with K3 twins
« Last post by N4QS on 2024-04-25, 17:25:40 »
I have been running RemoteRig twin boxes with a mini K3(0) and a remote K3 for many years.  I have always had a problem with the AF volume becoming almost zero whenever I change modes or reconnect the logging program at the control end.  In order to restore volume, I have to turn the AF volume control on the mini down to zero and the back up to its normal position.  The volume is then restored.  Can anyone tell me if this can be fixed with a setting change?  I am wondering if I happen to have some setting not set correctly.  Any other way to fix the problem would also be appreciated.  Thank you.  73,  Dave, N4QS
Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: IC7100: first setup failed
« Last post by sm2o on 2024-04-23, 20:12:19 »

email me export settings(html) files from both units to

73 de mike
Allmänt diskussionsforum / RRC-Nano app för ICOM
« Last post by SM0OQH on 2024-04-21, 20:19:45 »
Jag undrar när det kommer någon uppdatering till den?
Saknar möjligheten att köra minnen så man tex kan köra repeaters på min IC-7100 med FM eller D-Star
Configuration, RRC 1258 / IC7100: first setup failed
« Last post by dm1ts on 2024-04-21, 17:53:21 »
Hello OMs,
after a long time I have finally tried to get my remote setup up and running with an IC7100 (s/n 03004287). Unfortunately I can't do it. When I want to switch on the TRX, I hear a soft crack in the speaker of the controller and the two orange SIP LEDs start to light up for about 2 seconds. Then the LEDs switch off again and the TRX does not switch on.
I have now checked many things and also changed the cables, but the status remains the same. The following setup situation at the moment:
Radio and control unit are in the same IP subnet on a switch. Both have an IP, both can be operated in the browser. The control unit has the IP of the radio unit as its SIP contact. The controller reports the IP of the radio unit as "other party" in the status.
I have initially set or adopted the default settings for the 7100 everywhere. The jumpers are set according to the instructions and the red cables are plugged into the radio unit. There is a circuit board for the newer version of the IC7100 in the control unit, it is plugged in correctly with the slanted corner at the top right. Both units are connected to the same power supply, which should be sufficiently large at 25A.

I simply have no idea why the system won't start. Who can help me?

73s de Tor
General discussion forum / Operating RRC1258 outputs via scripts
« Last post by pe1hzg on 2024-04-17, 21:22:05 »
With the current energy prices, it is desirable to switch-off a remote site when not in use. The Webswitch 1216 would be desirable but is not available. And solid-state relays, like the RP1A48D5 are readily available at Reichelt and can be used to switch 230Vac.

The RRC1258 are open collector so the relays should be connected between the OUT ports (pin 5, 6, and 3 of the I/O connector) and the 8V out (pin 7 of the I/O connector). The outputs are programmed as On/Off. I'm using the K3 clone function, and then OUT0 is hard-configured but OUT1 and OUT2 are available.

I don't want to expose the web interface of the RRC to the Internet. So much is happening via HTTP these days, and the RRC doesn't do encryption. Operating the web-interface via a tunnel is possible, but if all I need to do is set or reset an output, then a simple shellscript on a raspberry is just as well. How to operate the web-interface via a shellscript?

Some experimentation learns that to switch-on OUT2, you can use something like:

  wget -q  --post-data 'out2Mode=4&out2OnOff=OFF' --output-document /dev/null http://IP.AD.DR.ES/settings

Note that ON and OFF are reversed, so out2OnOff=OFF switches the port ON, and out2OnOff=ON switches the port OFF.

To switch port1 instead of port2, change 'out2' to 'out1' above.

If your RRC is password-protected, you need to add:

  wget -q  --user USERNAME --password PASSWORD --post-data 'out2Mode=4&out2OnOff=OFF' --output-document /dev/null http://IP.AD.DR.ES/settings

Again, the RRC web interface probably should not be directly connected to the Internet anno 2024; the web password is trivial to decode from the web traffic. If you can run this via SSH on a raspberry, then perhaps that is a better choice.

73, Geert Jan
Feature Requests / RRC1258 status page: output status issue
« Last post by pe1hzg on 2024-04-17, 20:25:27 »
(for reference: RRC1258 version 7, software 2.95)

I think I found an issue with the RRC1258 status page which I have not seen reported on the forum, so I'm calling it in:
I think the status for Output 1 and Output 2 are reversed on the Status page.

How to repeat: configure Output 0 and Output 1 as Connect, Output 2 as On/Off.
Do not connect to a control-RRC and leave Output 2 as Off
Go to Status page and notice that all outputs report as status Low.

On I/O settings page, flip Output2 to On. Notice that the OUT2 On/Off indicator is now green ("ON").
Go to Status page and notice that Output1, not Output 2, reports as high.
That is wrong: Output2 should be reported High, not Output1.

On I/O settings page, flip Output2 back to off. Notice that all outputs now report Low.

Connect a control RRC. When the connection is up, OUT0 and OUT1 will activate.
However, when checking the Status page, now Output2 reports as high and that should be Output1.

This isn't the end of the world but I found it when building scripts. Separate message about that.
I'm surprised this wasn't reported before though.

73, Geert Jan PE1HZG
Konfiguration av RRC 1258 / Re: Icom ic 7100 senaste versionen
« Last post by sm2o on 2024-04-17, 19:41:06 »
Du kan maila export settings (Html)filer om du vill

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