Author Topic: RRC Winkey bug? / N1MM+ send incomplete message/callsign  (Read 40643 times)

Jan (Microbit)

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Re: RRC Winkey bug? / N1MM+ send incomplete message/callsign
« Reply #30 on: 2016-01-12, 16:44:06 »
should I update both, RR Control & RRC Radio or only RRC Control ?
Control only  8)
Always include type of hard/software and version when asking for support.


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Re: RRC Winkey bug? / N1MM+ send incomplete message/callsign
« Reply #31 on: 2016-01-12, 18:20:37 »
Ok, good news N1MM+ is working correctly :)
I've run long sessions, stop, resstart PC, restart RRC etc ... all is working as expected.
I've also tested all other logging and contest software that I'm using. I've tested also how the TX signal sounds on a remote SDR, all is good.

N1MM+        - ok no issues
N1MM Clasic     - ok no issues
Win-Test             - ok no issues
DXLog       - ok no issues
DXLab       - ok no issues

=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2016.01.12 19:17:25 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

a: audio
c: codec
d: debug
f: flash
h: hwtest
i: sip
l: led
q: audio quality
p: power
r: radio
s: sys
u: usb
USB Comport 2 params: baud=9600 stopbits=0 parity=0 databit=8, charTimeout=5
USB Comport 2 params: baud=9600 stopbits=0 parity=0 databit=8, charTimeout=5
USB Comport 2 params: baud=9600 stopbits=0 parity=0 databit=8, charTimeout=5
USB Comport 2 params: baud=9600 stopbits=0 parity=0 databit=8, charTimeout=5
USB Comport 2 params: baud=9600 stopbits=0 parity=0 databit=8, charTimeout=5
USB Comport 2 params: baud=9600 stopbits=0 parity=0 databit=8, charTimeout=5
USB Comport 2 params: baud=9600 stopbits=0 parity=0 databit=8, charTimeout=5
USB Comport 2 params: baud=9600 stopbits=0 parity=0 databit=8, charTimeout=5
USB Comport 2 params: baud=38400 stopbits=0 parity=0 databit=8, charTimeout=2
USB Comport 2 params: baud=38400 stopbits=0 parity=0 databit=8, charTimeout=2
USB Comport 3/FSK params: baud=1200 stopbits=0 parity=0 databit=8
USB Comport 3/FSK params: baud=1200 stopbits=2 parity=0 databit=8
USB Comport 3/FSK params: baud=1200 stopbits=2 parity=0 databit=8
USB Comport 3/FSK params: baud=1200 stopbits=2 parity=0 databit=8
COM3-RX: 00 02 [2]
COM3-TX: 17 [1]
COM3-RX: 0e 05 [2]
winKeyer: echo=1
COM3-RX: 05 0a 2d ff [4]
COM3-RX: 01 88 [2]
COM3-RX: 09 07 [2]
COM3-RX: 04 00 00 [3]
COM3-RX: 10 00 [2]
COM3-RX: 11 00 [2]
COM3-RX: 03 32 [2]
COM3-RX: 07 [1]
COM3-TX: 91 [1]
COM3-RX: 02 27 [2]
COM3-RX: 02 27 [2]
COM3-RX: 02 1b [2]
COM3-RX: 02 1b [2]

q: exit
0: com0-debug on/off
1: com1-debug on/off
2: com2-debug on/off
3: com3-debug on/off
4: com0-ascii on/off
5: com1-ascii on/off
6: com2-ascii on/off
7: com3-ascii on/off
8: debug2 on/off
i: icom-mic debug on/off
m: mode-10 debug on/off
t: comx time-stamp on/off
w: winkeyer on/off
com3-debug = 0

q: exit
0: com0-debug on/off
1: com1-debug on/off
2: com2-debug on/off
3: com3-debug on/off
4: com0-ascii on/off
5: com1-ascii on/off
6: com2-ascii on/off
7: com3-ascii on/off
8: debug2 on/off
i: icom-mic debug on/off
m: mode-10 debug on/off
t: comx time-stamp on/off
w: winkeyer on/off
winkeyer-debug = 0

q: exit
0: com0-debug on/off
1: com1-debug on/off
2: com2-debug on/off
3: com3-debug on/off
4: com0-ascii on/off
5: com1-ascii on/off
6: com2-ascii on/off
7: com3-ascii on/off
8: debug2 on/off
i: icom-mic debug on/off
m: mode-10 debug on/off
t: comx time-stamp on/off
w: winkeyer on/off
winkeyer-debug = 1

q: exit
0: com0-debug on/off
1: com1-debug on/off
2: com2-debug on/off
3: com3-debug on/off
4: com0-ascii on/off
5: com1-ascii on/off
6: com2-ascii on/off
7: com3-ascii on/off
8: debug2 on/off
i: icom-mic debug on/off
m: mode-10 debug on/off
t: comx time-stamp on/off
w: winkeyer on/off
winKeyer: enter 1c
winKeyer: enter 27
winKeyer: buffered speed change 39
winKeyer: enter 54
winKeyer: 'T' = -
winKeyer: enter 45
winKeyer: enter 53
winKeyer: enter 54
winKeyer: enter 20
winKeyer: enter 59
winKeyer: enter 4f
winKeyer: enter 33
winKeyer: enter 49
winKeyer: enter 52
winKeyer: enter 4d
winKeyer: 'E' = .
winKeyer: 'S' = ...
winKeyer: 'T' = -
winKeyer: ' ' =

winKeyer: 'Y' = -.--
winKeyer: 'O' = ---
winKeyer: '3' = ...--
winKeyer: 'I' = ..
winKeyer: 'R' = .-.
winKeyer: 'M' = --
winKeyer: enter 1c
winKeyer: enter 27
winKeyer: buffered speed change 39
winKeyer: enter 54
winKeyer: 'T' = -
winKeyer: enter 45
winKeyer: enter 53
winKeyer: enter 54
winKeyer: enter 20
winKeyer: enter 59
winKeyer: enter 4f
winKeyer: enter 33
winKeyer: enter 49
winKeyer: enter 52
winKeyer: enter 4d
winKeyer: 'E' = .
winKeyer: 'S' = ...
winKeyer: 'T' = -
winKeyer: ' ' =

winKeyer: 'Y' = -.--
winKeyer: 'O' = ---
winKeyer: '3' = ...--
winKeyer: 'I' = ..
winKeyer: 'R' = .-.
winKeyer: 'M' = --
winKeyer: enter 1c
winKeyer: enter 27
winKeyer: buffered speed change 39
winKeyer: enter 54
winKeyer: 'T' = -
winKeyer: enter 45
winKeyer: enter 53
winKeyer: enter 54
winKeyer: enter 20
winKeyer: enter 59
winKeyer: enter 4f
winKeyer: enter 33
winKeyer: enter 49
winKeyer: enter 52
winKeyer: enter 4d
winKeyer: 'E' = .
winKeyer: 'S' = ...
winKeyer: 'T' = -
winKeyer: ' ' =

winKeyer: 'Y' = -.--
winKeyer: 'O' = ---
winKeyer: '3' = ...--
winKeyer: 'I' = ..
winKeyer: 'R' = .-.
winKeyer: 'M' = --
winKeyer: enter 1c
winKeyer: enter 27
winKeyer: buffered speed change 39
winKeyer: enter 54
winKeyer: 'T' = -
winKeyer: enter 45
winKeyer: enter 53
winKeyer: enter 54
winKeyer: enter 20
winKeyer: enter 59
winKeyer: enter 4f
winKeyer: enter 33
winKeyer: enter 49
winKeyer: enter 52
winKeyer: enter 4d
winKeyer: 'E' = .
winKeyer: 'S' = ...
winKeyer: 'T' = -
winKeyer: ' ' =

winKeyer: 'Y' = -.--
winKeyer: 'O' = ---
winKeyer: '3' = ...--
winKeyer: 'I' = ..
winKeyer: 'R' = .-.
winKeyer: 'M' = --
winKeyer: enter 1c
winKeyer: enter 27
winKeyer: buffered speed change 39
winKeyer: enter 54
winKeyer: 'T' = -
winKeyer: enter 45
winKeyer: enter 53
winKeyer: enter 54
winKeyer: enter 20
winKeyer: enter 59
winKeyer: enter 4f
winKeyer: enter 33
winKeyer: enter 49
winKeyer: enter 52
winKeyer: enter 4d
winKeyer: 'E' = .
winKeyer: 'S' = ...
winKeyer: 'T' = -
winKeyer: ' ' =

winKeyer: 'Y' = -.--
winKeyer: 'O' = ---
winKeyer: '3' = ...--
winKeyer: 'I' = ..
winKeyer: 'R' = .-.
winKeyer: 'M' = --

a: audio
c: codec
d: debug
f: flash
h: hwtest
i: sip
l: led
q: audio quality
p: power
r: radio
s: sys
u: usb


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Re: RRC Winkey bug? / N1MM+ send incomplete message/callsign
« Reply #32 on: 2016-01-12, 19:00:55 »
I've installed again vspMgr, two virtual COM ports pairs were created and tested again ... all is ok.
I will test N1MM+ and Win-Test during these days and let you know their behavior.

Thank you, Jan !

Tue Jan 12 19:54:43 2016:
Starting MicrobitDeviceManager v1.4

----- Installed devices info -----

      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&COL02\7&2BC48FAE&0&0001
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&COL02\8&8D6FFB0&0&0001
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&COL03\7&2BC48FAE&0&0002
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&COL03\8&8D6FFB0&0&0002
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&COL04\7&2BC48FAE&0&0003
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&COL04\8&8D6FFB0&0&0003
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_02&COL01\7&7ED51EC&0&0000
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_02&COL01\8&209A8BF5&0&0000
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_02&COL02\7&7ED51EC&0&0001
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_02&COL02\8&209A8BF5&0&0001
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_02&COL03\7&7ED51EC&0&0002
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_02&COL03\8&209A8BF5&0&0002
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&COL01\8&2D40388&0&0000
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&COL02\8&2D40388&0&0001
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&QID_2010&WI_01&CLASS_0000001A&COL02\8&18DA8134&0&0001
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&QID_2010&WI_01&CLASS_0000001A&COL03\8&18DA8134&0&0002
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&QID_2011&WI_01&CLASS_0000001A&COL02\8&359D6A58&0&0001
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&QID_2011&WI_01&CLASS_0000001A&COL03\8&359D6A58&0&0002
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&QID_2011&WI_02&CLASS_0000001A&COL02\8&36DDFC06&0&0001
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&QID_2011&WI_02&CLASS_0000001A&COL03\8&36DDFC06&0&0002
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&QID_4024&WI_04&CLASS_0000001E&COL03\8&541994D&0&0002
      HIDClass   ----------         HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&QID_4024&WI_04&CLASS_0000001E&COL04\8&541994D&0&0003
MB      HIDClass   RRC 1258         HID\VID_1E3B&PID_1258&MI_00\7&2DDCA83A&1&0000
      HIDClass   ----------         USB\VID_046D&PID_C077\5&1BF0BA15&0&5
      HIDClass   ----------         USB\VID_046D&PID_C077\5&1BF0BA15&0&6
      HIDClass   ----------         USB\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_00\6&215F4E70&0&0000
      HIDClass   ----------         USB\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_00\7&16873459&0&0000
      HIDClass   ----------         USB\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01\6&215F4E70&0&0001
      HIDClass   ----------         USB\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01\7&16873459&0&0001
      HIDClass   ----------         USB\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_02\6&215F4E70&0&0002
MB      HIDClass   RRC 1258         USB\VID_1E3B&PID_1258&MI_00\7&20D2F81F&0&0000
MB      Ports   RRC1258 COM2 (COM5)         USB\VID_1E3B&PID_1258&MI_01\7&20D2F81F&0&0001
MB      Ports   RRC1258 COM0 (COM6)         USB\VID_1E3B&PID_1258&MI_03\7&20D2F81F&0&0003
MB      Ports   RRC1258 COM1 (COM3)         USB\VID_1E3B&PID_1258&MI_05\7&20D2F81F&0&0005
MB      Ports   RRC1258 COMExtra (COM4)         USB\VID_1E3B&PID_1258&MI_07\7&20D2F81F&0&0007
      Ports   ELTIMA Virtual Serial Port (COM10->COM11)         VSBC7\DEVICES\0000
      Ports   ELTIMA Virtual Serial Port (COM11->COM10)         VSBC7\DEVICES\0001
      Ports   ELTIMA Virtual Serial Port (COM12->COM13)         VSBC7\DEVICES\0002
      Ports   ELTIMA Virtual Serial Port (COM13->COM12)         VSBC7\DEVICES\0003
      HIDClass   ----------         {A3535E08-EB26-49A9-8AE0-786ED1242812}\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&QID_2010&WI_01&CLASS_0000001A\7&7ED51EC&0&01
      HIDClass   ----------         {A3535E08-EB26-49A9-8AE0-786ED1242812}\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&QID_2011&WI_01&CLASS_0000001A\7&7ED51EC&0&01
      HIDClass   ----------         {A3535E08-EB26-49A9-8AE0-786ED1242812}\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&QID_2011&WI_02&CLASS_0000001A\7&7ED51EC&0&02
      HIDClass   ----------         {A3535E08-EB26-49A9-8AE0-786ED1242812}\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&QID_400A&WI_03&CLASS_00000004\7&7ED51EC&0&03
      HIDClass   ----------         {A3535E08-EB26-49A9-8AE0-786ED1242812}\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&QID_4024&WI_04&CLASS_0000001E\7&7ED51EC&0&04
      HIDClass   ----------         {A3535E08-EB26-49A9-8AE0-786ED1242812}\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02&QID_4031&WI_01&CLASS_00000004\7&7ED51EC&0&01
      HIDClass   ----------         {A3535E08-EB26-49A9-8AE0-786ED1242812}\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1203&MI_02\7&7ED51EC&0&00

----- Com port database Info -----

Maximum ports available: 256
Ports in use:

----- Com port matching -----
Number   Inst.   Com Db   Action
3   X   X   None
4   X   X   None
5   X   X   None
6   X   X   None
10   X       None
11   X       None
12   X       None
13   X       None


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Re: RRC Winkey bug? / N1MM+ send incomplete message/callsign
« Reply #33 on: 2016-01-12, 19:24:46 »
The latest version of N1MM+ was installed and all is working as expected

Thank you

Jan (Microbit)

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Re: RRC Winkey bug? / N1MM+ send incomplete message/callsign
« Reply #34 on: 2016-01-12, 20:44:31 »
The latest version of N1MM+ was installed and all is working as expected

Thank you
Good news! This would not have been possible to find out without your excellent way of providing information about what happened with your system! So I would like to thank you too for a good teamwork!

A note about this though:

----- Com port matching -----
Number   Inst.   Com Db   Action
3   X   X   None
4   X   X   None
5   X   X   None
6   X   X   None
10   X       None
11   X       None
12   X       None
13   X       None

COM 10-13 is not marked as "in use" in the Com port data base, which could cause problems in the future, so better fix it using our program.
Always include type of hard/software and version when asking for support.


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Re: RRC Winkey bug? / N1MM+ send incomplete message/callsign
« Reply #35 on: 2016-01-12, 21:15:53 »
Thank you Jan, I will try to fix those virtual ports using MicrobitDeviceManager.

Although I bought remoterig many months ago, I've just started to use it in Nov 2015.
I have another two issues to report, perhaps we will work on another threads to solve them if it proves to be related to RemoteRig.

1. From time to time, N1MM+ disconnect from TS-480

I've tried different settings for Radio connection but I still have this behavior from time to time.
I have no issues with the internet connection between control and remote site.
Usually I have 3-4ms latency at a 500Mbps download and 100 Mbps upload from remote site

2. The second issue is happening on all contest programs, N1MM+, Win-Test, DXLog.
I've noticed it after a long period of not disconnecting RRC-Control & RRC Radio, they were 24/24/7 on for more than 2 weeks.
The behavior:
Selecting a DX Cluster spot (callsign) in a Band plan should change almost immediately the frequency and the mode on the Radio but in this case it takes 6-10s to do that.
I've noticed this behavior for all tested contest programs, N1MM+, Win-Test, DXLog.
If the RRC-Control is restarted, all returns to normal, on spot double-click the radio change freq and mode almost instantly.

Thank you

Jan (Microbit)

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Re: RRC Winkey bug? / N1MM+ send incomplete message/callsign
« Reply #36 on: 2016-01-13, 11:12:34 »
New thread(s) would be fine.

Short comments:

1/ I saw that error when testing but thought it was something intermittent. Now when I checked again it is not possible to reproduce it. Not that unusual...  ;)

2/ Really hard to tell what happens, especially since it is on such long time as weeks.

For both issues, if possible, it would be useful to see if it works better if you used the physical COM2 on the control RRC instead of the virtual USB Com port.
Always include type of hard/software and version when asking for support.


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Re: RRC Winkey bug? / N1MM+ send incomplete message/callsign
« Reply #37 on: 2016-01-13, 11:32:12 »

1. I will try to open and record a diag session and keep it for long time perhaps I will catch that error, although it will collect a lot of data.
That should be d, 2, correct ?

2. I've just ordered a serial PCI board with 2 serial ports, today should arrive and I will try it.
Would you recommend a physical COM port instead a virtual COM port via USB ?
At first sight, a dedicated physical COM should be better. Are there any other drawbacks in using a physical COM for CAT ?
For winkey, as I understant, it is always a virtual COM port.

Thank you

Jan (Microbit)

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Re: RRC Winkey bug? / N1MM+ send incomplete message/callsign
« Reply #38 on: 2016-01-13, 11:57:22 »

1. I will try to open and record a diag session and keep it for long time perhaps I will catch that error, although it will collect a lot of data.
That should be d, 2, correct ?

2. I've just ordered a serial PCI board with 2 serial ports, today should arrive and I will try it.
Would you recommend a physical COM port instead a virtual COM port via USB ?
At first sight, a dedicated physical COM should be better. Are there any other drawbacks in using a physical COM for CAT ?
For winkey, as I understant, it is always a virtual COM port.

Thank you
Physical and USB ports behave different sometimes. Generally speaking USB ports cause more problems, for the user as well as for the developer, often because USB delivers its data in packets while old fashion RS 232 is 'character oriented'. How well USB works often depends on the way a particular program communicates, i.e the protocol used and its timings. So a physical port is often more 'fail safe' and seldom or never has any drawbacks compared with an USB port, besides the need for a port and its cable of course  8)
Always include type of hard/software and version when asking for support.


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Re: RRC Winkey bug? / N1MM+ send incomplete message/callsign
« Reply #39 on: 2016-01-18, 11:34:39 »
I've tried N1MM+ this weekend on HA-DX Contest, worked almost 500 QSOs in CW, the combination N1MM+ & RRC worked as expected in all modes. The reported issue never appeared so this could be some sort of validation for the new beta firmware.
Still 3 or 4 "Radio disconnect" messages, I will try to reproduce them and catch them in log.

In the mean time I have a new PCI board with 2 physical COM ports, I will install it these days.
One question although I think I know the answer :) but anyway:
Is it possible to have COM2 connected on physical PC port and in the same time on a USB virtual COM2 port ?
The idea is to have access on CAT port from two different software in the same time, one connected to physical COM2 and one to the virtual COM2.
These contest software N1MM+, Win-Test and others do not work well or they do not work at all on shared virtual ports so I thought it could be a solution to have N1MM+ connected to a physical COM2 port and other software like CWSkimmer or HDSDR connected to a virtual (USB) COM2 port.

Thank you
« Last Edit: 2016-01-18, 11:36:35 by yo3irm »

Jan (Microbit)

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Re: RRC Winkey bug? / N1MM+ send incomplete message/callsign
« Reply #40 on: 2016-01-18, 18:22:00 »
Nice to hear that it worked nearly flawless! Although I am still puzzled why the log file from N1MM+ showed an opposite order for the last character and the "status free byte.

Yes, you are right, the physical and the USB Com ports are "exclusive or" = not simultaneously. (I assume that is how you think it works  ;) )
Always include type of hard/software and version when asking for support.