Author Topic: cable TS-480 to microphone connector  (Read 17805 times)


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cable TS-480 to microphone connector
« on: 2019-04-16, 22:01:56 »

I have everything working to the point that WSJT-X get the audio from the radio and show the traffic. Also the PTT works fine, turning the radio to TX when needed.

Now I have to bring the audio from the PC to the RJ45 AUX/MIC of the remoterig.

Taken apart a network cable and according to ts-480 mircophone pinout, I should use the contacts 5 and 6, which should be the white/blue and green.

Connected these two contact to a mono jack. White/Blue to the ground pin and green to the tip one.

As soon as I insert the jack into the PC headphone socket,  the TS-480 goes to TX.

VOX is off.

No doubt I am doing something wrong... What?????

The microphone works fine, so it shouldn't be a jumper related problem
« Last Edit: 2019-04-16, 22:24:45 by HB9CVN-4F3CV »


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Re: cable TS-480 to microphone connector
« Reply #1 on: 2019-04-17, 15:58:33 »
I am using wsjt-x and it is working fine via remoterig and ts-480. I am using two trafos for audio between rrc and pc (rpi), and using a optocoupler for ptt (with usb-rs232 adaptor and DTR).
My connections:
Mic gnd-4
Ptt gnd- 6
Audio from rrc via sp.

73 de
Alf, la1zm


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Re: cable TS-480 to microphone connector
« Reply #2 on: 2019-04-17, 17:13:25 »
thanks Alf,

then the pins are correct for the microphone. The PTT goes via CAT and works.

Is it necessary to have the transformer? I was using pin 3 and 4 but with a cable between the hedphones out of the PC and the AUX/MIC RJ45 of the remotering.

When WSJT-X is  switching to TX, I do have the audio at the headset  PC socket. But connecting the cable to the remotering produces no modulation at all


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Re: cable TS-480 to microphone connector
« Reply #3 on: 2019-04-18, 00:14:48 »
I am looking at A38 version of the user manual. On P189 there is a schematic of the AUX/MIC cable. It shows the MIC signal is on pin 3 and the GND is on Pin 4. You should trust this.

There is no need for a transformer, there is already one inside the RRC.

If you get no modulation from your PC cable it could be that you are grounding the audio at the RRC. Have you tried reversing the connections at the RRC?


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Re: cable TS-480 to microphone connector
« Reply #4 on: 2019-04-20, 18:13:41 »
If ptt goes via cat you have to put RTP
Tx mode to continuous (advanced setting control side).
73 de Alf, la1zm


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Re: cable TS-480 to microphone connector
« Reply #5 on: 2019-04-21, 12:02:11 »
Setting RTP to continuous will fix this problem, but can cause excessive data use on a metered service like cell phone data service.  Also, as the manual says, it also can be a security issue.

I'm using WSJT-X at the RCC console end and finally got it working properly by NOT using the CAT PTT option.  There seems to be an issue with passing audio thru the Mic jack on the control RCC when PTT is not active.  I don't want to use RTP set to continuous because the primary use of the RemoteRig setup is for SSB.  I opted to use the DTR method of PTT in WSJT-X software for the Kenwood TS480.  This requires another serial COM port, but works well.  I'm presently using a RigBlaster nomic interface and 2 USB-to-serial adapters on my laptop computer.

During troubleshooting I watched the serial data stream coming from the computer to the control RRC.  The WSJT-X software sends the CAT command "TX;" instead of "TX0;" when using CAT PTT.  I compared this to Ham Radio Deluxe and the Kenwood ARCP software that uses the "TX0;" command for PTT.  At first I thought this was a problem, but the Kenwood documentation says that the command "TX;" will default to "TX0;". (see the attachment)

If you don't want to use 2 COM ports (one for CAT and the other for PTT) you can use the Signalink-USB and eliminate the need for a USB to Serial adapter.  But, you will have to use the VOX option within the Signalink to provide PTT.  Not always the best choice, but it should work.

73, Joe, K1ike


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Re: cable TS-480 to microphone connector
« Reply #6 on: 2019-09-25, 22:40:06 »
Does anyone MAKE and SELL this cable hookup from the RCC/480HX/PC for both line in/out of the pc?  Surely there's one on Ebay or someplace but I have no idea what they call it.

Tx for help & 73


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Re: cable TS-480 to microphone connector
« Reply #7 on: 2019-09-26, 01:05:29 »

What cables specifically do you want? these are standard cables and nothing custom.If I knew what you want, I can send a link.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: cable TS-480 to microphone connector
« Reply #8 on: 2019-09-26, 06:12:40 »
Hey Mitch...

You've been so very helpful with me thru emails.  I was trying to keep from bothering you further and found this forum to find out if someone 'makes' them up with proper shielding etc.  I'm the Bill in Fla that is trying to hookup the TS480hx control head thru the RR to the 480 RF base at the remote.  I need 2 cables or an 'all in one' that someone makes that is AT THE CONTROL HEAD end.  I'm trying to hookup FT8 with the 480 head.  I don't have the RF end at the home's at the remote site with the remote RCC there.  I'm using WSJT.  You had suggested I use the Rigblaster Plug n Play I have however I called the factory and it will not work they say AND they don't make a cable for this hookup.  They do sell another board that will work with adaptors but not what I have already. (remember I won it at Hamcation)  Oh well....maybe by presenting this on the forum it will help others too.  I have seen many different sellers on Ebay that will make custom cables but none like this one.  I hope you/someone on the board will know where to send me.  Otherwise I'll be trying my very old soldering skills with magnifying glass to get it going. :-)

Cable #1 - 6' or so of shielded cable to PC 3.5mm SPK OUT audio to Tip to pin 3, Shield GND of the RRC HOME RJ45 MIC/AUX Pin 3 Pin 4 to GND.   This would provide audio IN TO the RRC FROM the PC speaker or headphones from the PC sound card.

Cable #2 -  6' or so of shielded cable to PC 3.5mm MIC IN - Tip audio/Shield GND to RCC 3.5mm SP plug tip audio/shield gnd.  This would provide audio IN to the PC sound card from the RRC HOME 3.5mm SP Plug audio to tip to audio.

I hope I got that right and not reversed again.  So that's specifically what I want.  You had mentioned a transformer for potential problems to match impedance but that is probably an add on?  Thanks Mitch.  Oh yes...I live in Jacksonville

« Last Edit: 2019-09-26, 06:15:25 by WB4KSP »


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Re: cable TS-480 to microphone connector
« Reply #9 on: 2019-09-27, 12:50:42 »
Hi Bill,

I would have much preferred the email route, since I am still traveling in Europe and that would be much more convenient for me.

Anyway, I misunderstood your last posting, since I didn't know what it was for. You will not find a cable available that goes between
the RRC AUX/MIC RJ45 and the PC's audio out jack. Since you can't use the sound card interface you have and do not want to buy
a new one, then you will have to make this up yourself. All you need to do is to take an old ethernet cable and cutoff one end. Then
locate the wires you need and solder them to a 3.5 mm plug that costs a few cents. It only takes a few minutes the polarity is not

The other cable is a standard audio cable. You probably have some already in your spare cable box that you received with audio
components over the years. Otherwise, you can oder one online or buy one at BestBuy or similar for more money.

You can first try it out without a transformer to see if it works okay. Some PC's have audio circuits that are well designed and you
won't need one. Others need one for sure. Another alternative would be to buy an inexpensive USB sound card that has isolation built-in
and use this for data. This would also solve the problem of Windows sounds bothering the data stream and keep fixed Windows audio

I get up to Jax from time to time to take care of family stuff, since that is where my family is from.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: cable TS-480 to microphone connector
« Reply #10 on: 2019-09-29, 01:25:56 »
Tx Mitch.  You answered my question about picking up a prebuilt cable instead of building it myself.  I know on Ebay several hams offer custom cables they pre-build for certain rigs.  Just hoping this was case for this one.  I've got the parts, will just hook it up here.  My next issue will be hooking up RR with HRD and those settings so that WSJT works properly.  I use them now with an IC7300 but not at the remote.  Perhaps your answer and my questions will help another ham reviewing this forum.  Thanks again & 73


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Re: cable TS-480 to microphone connector
« Reply #11 on: 2019-09-29, 11:23:55 »
Hi Bill,

If you think about it, there is no practical way that a premade cable can be available. Every RRC installation is different in that you set the red straps to match the rig and microphone type that will be used. So either they would have to make up many versions for the different wiring possibilities which would be impractical for the tiny market, or else they would have to make one version and then each user would have to rewire the socket to match. In that case, the microphone would no longer work, unless it happened to match the cable type.

Software wise it is not complicated. All you do is to use the sound card in Windows that you have connected to the RRC and it is best to use CAT for PTT.

I will be back in Floirda the middle of this week if you want to speak by phone.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX