Author Topic: WinKeyer w/RRC Query  (Read 14234 times)


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WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« on: 2019-09-03, 18:16:36 »
Was using N3FJP contest software and the WinKeyer connected directly to the radio, paddle to the WinKeyer and USB cable connected to the WinKeyer. New setup here uses a RemoteRig control box (RRC) instead of a radio in the shack ... controlling a remote base station.

Configuration looks like this:

* Computer to WinKeyer USB  --> Paddle connected to WinKeyer --> WinKeyer connected to RemoteRig RRC paddle input

All settings I've tried on all three configurable softwares (N3FJP, RemoteRig and WinKeyer) produces a "squeeze key" type response from the RRC; continuous dit-dah, dit-dah, etc.

Anyone using this configuration that can offer a solution? PS: The paddle connected directly to the RRC works perfectly!

Dennis, WU6X


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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #1 on: 2019-09-03, 19:07:45 »

Going to the RRC's paddle input will always use its keyer function. You want instead to use a straight-key/external keyer interface.

To do that, you need instead to connect to the RRC's I/O jack. Go to the manual, pages 94-95 and Appendix B (page 242).

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #2 on: 2019-09-03, 19:57:00 »
Thank you Mitch ... I'll give that a try.
Dennis, WU6X


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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #3 on: 2019-09-04, 04:35:41 »
UPDATE: I tested with a CAT5 cable into the I/O port on the RRC, with different connections to the KEY1 and PTT outputs on the WinKeyer USB (WK3USB), using the cable supplied by K1ELsystems (RCA to 3-conductor stereo). I assumed the 3-conductor stereo connector would connect tip, ring & ground. However, no combination of connections could get the RRC to play CW. Looking at the schematic for the WK3USB did not help as the RCA outputs show as KEY1 and PTT, not tip, ring & gnd. At this point, I've exhausted the trial and need to look for a definitive connection scheme, or assistance with how the RCA outputs of the WK3USB should be connected to the I/O on the RRC. The Appendix on page 243 of the RemoteRig User Manual appears to be for keying the RRC with a computer ... a different application.
Any further suggestions would be appreciated.
73, Dennis - WU6X


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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #4 on: 2019-09-04, 11:37:13 »

It should work just fine if wired correctly. Did you make sure that the I/O settings are set per the manual to make this function?
Is VOX turned on on the radio?

Otherwise, Mike or someone with more experience may be able to say what may be wrong.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #5 on: 2019-09-05, 17:30:03 »
I'll go over it again today with a fresh mind. I'm pretty sure I had everything setup correctly, but there are a LOT of variables. Another quick question: should I be able to make a change in configuration while connected to a remote base, like changing the sidetone frequency, without disconnecting? The reason I ask is that I did this last night and now my RRC won't connect to either of the 2 remotes I have access to.
Dennis, WU6X


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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #6 on: 2019-09-05, 23:00:45 »
No, every change requires you to reboot the RRC. It is best to first disconnect before making a change, then save and reboot.

There is no real reason why it won't reconnect. Sounds like it is not on your network, so double check to make sure (also reboot
it again).

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #7 on: 2019-09-06, 04:50:57 »
Thanks Mitch and all ... What I've come up with, the simplified version, is this:
If you want to connect an external keyer to the RRC you must use the RJ45 I/O port on the RRC. Connecting a WinKeyerUSB is described in the following example:

1. Connect the center pin of the RCA KEY1 or KEY2 jack on the WinKeyer to PIN4 (blue wire) of the I/O RJ45 on the RRC
2. Connect the shield (gnd) of the RCA KEY1 or KEY2 jack on the WinKeyer to PIN8 (brown wire) of the I/O RJ45 on the RRC
3. Connect a paddle to the PADDLE input on the WinKeyer
4. Disable the internal keyer on the RRC KEYER Settings menus (I think ...?) I'll test this tomorrow morning.
5. Set VOX to "ON" on the radio control head in CW mode

I hope this helps someone trying to connect at WinKeyer, at least. Everything else appears to be working tonight and I'm able to switch between two remotes using a browser interface.
73, Dennis, WU6X


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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #8 on: 2019-09-06, 16:49:47 »
Still not working correctly. What should the Keyer Menu settings and I/O menu settings on the RRC be set to for an external keyer? With Keyer "enabled" in the Keyer Menu, I am keying the radio, but it's producing a steady stream of dahs. With Keyer enabled in the Keyer Menu, no keying, no sidetone, etc. I've tried I/O menu settings for IN0 set to both "Keyer" and "I/O" with same results; no radio keying unless "keyer" is enabled in the Keyer Menu.
Also, I have verified with an ohm meter that I am getting proper key closures coming from the KEY1 jack of the WinKeyer, dits and dahs with proper spacing, now being fed to PIN4 of the RJ45 I/O and Ground PIN8.
Tnx for any suggestions,
Dennis, WU6X

« Last Edit: 2019-09-06, 16:59:21 by WU6X »


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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #9 on: 2019-09-07, 01:05:29 »
What kind of rig is it? Some rigs have a paddle jack and a straight key jack. The output of the RRC must
go to the straight key jack.

Otherwise, the settings for the I/O is in the manual pages I sent you before. The keyer settings would not
have any effect, since you are bypassing the keyer.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #10 on: 2019-09-07, 05:15:43 »
The rig is a Kenwood 480HX, and it does have both a keyer and a key input. I'll check with each remote base and make look at how it's been connected. That might explain why it works just fine with a keyer but not a straight key.

I've verified the WK3USB external keyer is putting out an open/close, straight key type closure, and I've connected that to PIN4 with PIN8 ground. Currently, the RRC acts like I'm holding the paddle in one position or the other, keying the radio accordingly. But, it just won't make Morse code.

Thanks for the tip ... I'll check and advise.
73, Dennis


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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #11 on: 2019-09-16, 19:20:33 »
Winkeyer emulation via N3FJP now working perfectly using Com30. No external box needed.
Thanks for all the suggestions and assistance, guys!
73, Dennis-WU6X


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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #12 on: 2019-11-23, 19:59:15 »
.... and then it wasn't. :(
I was experimenting with USB-to-serial control and really messed up configs. Can someone offer the TS-480HX I/O settings, both ends, to enable the keyer? Just too confusing ... screen shots will be taken, next time, I promise!
Tnx, Dennis-WU6X


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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #13 on: 2019-11-24, 03:17:20 »

I just looked at one of my installations:

Radio RRC:
Out0 = I/O
Out2 = Baudot/RTTY
Out3 = Keyer

Control RRC:
IN0 = Keyer
Out0 = connect
Out1 = I/O
Out2 = I/O



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Re: WinKeyer w/RRC Query
« Reply #14 on: 2019-11-24, 04:31:18 »
Thank you Mitch. I finally got it working again today. So, now I'll go back to looking at macro keying under N3FJP Winkeyer emulation and see if that corrected itself as well.
73, Dennis-WU6X