Author Topic: xiegu G90 with remoterig?  (Read 5422 times)


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xiegu G90 with remoterig?
« on: 2020-08-15, 12:44:16 »

Nogon som har beskrivning av uppsätning av Remoterig med en Xiegu G90 SDR?

Mvh Henrik


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Re: xiegu G90 with remoterig?
« Reply #1 on: 2020-09-14, 11:36:00 »
Har inte prövat men skulle själv försöka med inställningar för IC 7100, som min Xiegu G90 tillämpar för CAT control.
73 Per SM0WRA


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Re: xiegu G90 with remoterig?
« Reply #2 on: 2023-05-26, 20:16:49 »
Has anyone made any progress with using Remote Rig and the G90?  My IC-7100, that I was using as my remote station, just quit working and needs to go for repairs.  I have a G90 I could substitute if anyone has managed to create a working configuration.




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Re: xiegu G90 with remoterig?
« Reply #3 on: 2023-05-28, 16:39:07 »

on page in the Xiego manual they write  about CAT

Basic SETUP G90 CAT Control for Windows HAM Software General information about CAT CAT is an abbreviation for Computer Aided Transceiver and describes the way to operate your rig via a serial protocol in sync with your PC. There are numerous ways to connect your rig to the PC e.g. via RS232, via ACC port or via USB, but in all cases you have to emulate the serial connection for the protocol, which is used by the vendor. Xiegu uses the protocol spec from ICOM, also known as CI-V (Computer Inferface Five). The complete spec of ICOMs CI-V can be found when you google it, e.g. here: To control the XIEGU rigs you can use the IC-7000 or IC-718 as the device in different ham radio software. Which one works best depends on the implemented software design, the following screen shots are best practice and work in general. Xiegu only has implemented a subset of the functionality of the CI-V protocol, but this is actually not documented. So the only method is trial and error along with other Ham operators knowledge

it looks like they use a subset of ICOM CI-V so if you set Remoterig to program mode 1 ICOM CI-V it may work if you make a proper cable, it looks like it's not the same as ICOM CI-V cable

73 de mike