Author Topic: More than One RCC Set on Network  (Read 10726 times)


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More than One RCC Set on Network
« on: 2021-01-15, 02:16:24 »
Hello RemoteRig Experts

I'm working with our county government to upgrade our RACES system.  We are going to use RemoteRig sets to connect two Kenwood TM-V71 front panels in our EOC to the two V71 RF decks in a tower shelter about 5 miles away.  One radio for voice, the other radio for packet/digital. The EOC is connected to the tower shelter using an isolated wide area network (no Internet connection).

We've asked for unique static IP's on the WAN for each of the two RCC sets.

My question ....

The RCC manual, page 62, states that "Under advanced settings it is possible to change the default port numbers used by the RRC. It can be necessary if there are more than one RRC on your LAN."

So would we need to use different port numbers with our two RCC sets on the same LAN, even if they have unique IP addresses? 

I'm not a network engineer and admit to a serious lack of knowledge in that area which I'd like to remedy if anyone can recommend a good book.

A secondary question....

We have a backup EOC in a different location also on the same isolated WAN.  The setup there will be identical to the primary EOC.  What's the best way to "switch" the radio RCC's from one EOC to the other remotely?   Managed switch? 




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Re: More than One RCC Set on Network
« Reply #1 on: 2021-01-15, 02:43:10 »
I think I can help you out:

- You can have an unlimited set of RRC's running under one public IP address. Just change the three UDP ports to
   different sets of numbers and forward these correctly in the router.

- The second EOC RRC's can also be addressed by separate sets of UDP ports. In the control RRC, you just setup a second
   profile for the other EOC and switch to that profile if needed. So no "switching" at the radio site is necessary.

Let us know if you have any further questions.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Re: More than One RCC Set on Network
« Reply #2 on: 2021-01-15, 23:01:17 »
Thanks Mitch,

Follow-up question.   If each RemoteRig set had different unique static IP addresses, would we still have to fuss with the UDP port numbers and make them different?

Also, regarding the backup EOC, we will have a separate set of control RCC's there.  So the challenge is connecting to a radio RCC from one or the other of two control RCC's at different locations without physically changing anything at the radio RCC's.  Not sure how changing ports can solve that problem but I'm probably missing something.


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Re: More than One RCC Set on Network
« Reply #3 on: 2021-01-16, 02:05:35 »
Maybe I missed wrote that they are five miles away, but no internet connection. Are you
saying that all RRC's are within the same LAN? If so, then no port forwarding is necessary at all. You address
the individual radio RRC's using their distinct internal IP number and the distinct set of ports if they changed. I
would think that you would not even have to change the port numbers either, since there is no need to separate
them for the purpose of port forwards.

If the radio RRC's indeed need to be reachable over the internet, then the above does not apply. Please clarify which
scenario is correct.

To answer your other question: since each radio RRC is addressable through its own internal IP number, there is no
difference from which control RRC connects to that particular radio RRC. they can alternate the connect without any
change being made at the radio side, but can not connect simultaneously.

I hope this helped clarify your questions. Some of your terminology confused me, since you were talking about ports
and static IP numbers. You meant static internal IP numbers, which are anyway necessary for radio RRC's. Port
changes are only necessary if you need to reach the radio RRCs over the internet.



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Re: More than One RCC Set on Network
« Reply #4 on: 2021-01-16, 03:19:30 »

Sorry, my lack of network experience is showing in my choice of terminology.   

Yes, both EOCs and the tower shelter some miles away are all on the same LAN, but that LAN is totally isolated from the public internet.  That's what I meant by saying it's an isolated network tie to the public internet.   As I understand it, the LAN in question is implemented with fiber optics backed up by microwave.  It interconnects the several county tower shelters and the EOC's.


Shawn - N3AE