Yesterday, practically in the middle of the qso, I lost the ssb transmitting audio completely. Reception works fine, PTT works ok (i.e the transmitter on the remote end is keyed), but no ssb audio at all (not even a faint noise on transmitted audio). CW is ok, FSK is ok, USB -audio (connected to a local computer) works ok but I cannot get the remote microphone audio until the DSP of the TS-590 SG.
As I am 7500 km away from the radio site, the troubleshooting is somewhat cumbersome but I am proceeding as follows:
The above tells me that:
1) the radio circuitry until the DSP is somewhat ok.
2) an unlikely possibility that may have failed in the radio end is the ADC (the codec) which is sampling the audio from the front panel mic connection but I am more inclined to believe that it would possibly be the radio end RRC.
Now, is there any practical means to remotely check the audio circuitry from the analogue side at remote site until the analogue audio circuit on the radio site, bearing in mind that the tools that I have access here to are in the range of screwdriver and hammer instead of anything more sophisticated ?
Has anyone seen this kind of a thing before ?
I can isolate the radio issue later this week when I get someone to the station to change the radio but I would like to test the remaining circuitry a bit further as the only unit that I have not yet doubled are the RRC -boxes.
Any advice would be more than welcome
73, Ville oh1jd (in BY4-land)