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Messages - N4KJ

Pages: [1]
Hello folks:

I have had great results allowing a friend to remotely connect to my shack using a more conventional setup (see attached pdf). However, I recently moved the radio equipment to an outbuilding which is connected to by house (location of former working system) which is connected through Ubiquiti Loco M2 PTP system. The attached pdf show both the original, working and updated systems.

Question: has anyone successfully configured a Remote Rig system similarly and could give me some pointers or see where I'm going wrong here?

Your help is much appreciated!

Hello Robin:

Thanks for considering my post. I should have closed this issue on the forum. Yes, all working now. My bad, stupid connection problem As for IC-7100 installation, never plug the microphone into the RRC 'MIC' connector. Microphone connects to the radio control head, In my case, nothing connects to the TTL port on the RRC.

My WiFied connections seems to be performing fine. Please let me know if I can answer any other questions.

73, N4KJ

No functionality whatever when connected through remote rig. All functions correctly with control head connected directly to radio. Yes, all cabling to head and radio are correct. Pictures of jumpers are attached. Can I send any other photos?

Hello Mike:

I think you're in Europe, so getting late there so no need to respond today.

Connected both ways, back to back through straight-through Ethernet cable and both unit connected through router through individual Ethernet cables. I can still connect through WiFi and view setup and change setting using laptop on network. I see no change in Status when power button is pressed. What should I see? I also tried DHCP assignment. Seems pretty simple, but just isn't working.

Of course I can ping both units from networked PC, no issue. Is there a way to ping one unit to the other? Could I have a defective side? If so, how would I know which side?

I'll be busy until weekend, but do let me know if you have any ideas. Thanks again de N4KJ

Yes, sure, sorry. Brain freeze. Each through the router or 1258s back to back through Ethernet connection?


You mean use the USB connection to check setup?



Sorry, don't see a way to embed a file. Here's the exported HTML text from both sides:

Thanks so much!

Exported setting Control Side
Name   Value
Company   Microbit
Product   1258
PID   4
Version   7
HW   8
Software   2.95
Bootloader   1.14
Compiler   4.6.2
Build   May 4 2019 08:32:26
ROM/RAM   488400/44304
ETH-RAM   3000 (max 3kB)
USB-RAM   16376 (max 16kB)
Battery-RAM   4
ResetSrc   0 [3]
Last WD Reset   10
Uptime   0 Days, 4 Hours, 11 Mins, 51 Secs
Serial number   14373
MAC address   88:da:1a:7e:dc:9d
IP address
Wi-Fi network   FBFiber-00656FCA-2GHz
Webserver   2
Unit ID (Banner)   Remote Rig Control Side
DHCP   0
Dns server
Eth-type   5
IP-interface   0
Web page user   
Web page pwd   
Web page user(saving)   
Web page pwd(saving)   
Program mode   2
Control panel   1
Sip password   hello
Sip contact(Radio RRC IP/hostname)
Auto connect   0
Audio quality   2
Audio dual-rx   0
Audio left/right ch swap   0
Codec out gain   255
Codec inp gain   18
Codec inp HPF Hz   3
Codec inp preamp   1
Codec inp attenuation   0
COM0 baudrate   38400
COM0 data bits   8
COM0 stop bits   1
COM0 parity   0
COM0 Program mode 3 char timeout   2
Use USB Com Port as COM0   0
COM1 mode   0
COM1 baudrate   9600
COM1 data bits   8
COM1 stop bits   1
COM1 parity   0
COM1 rts/cts   0
COM1 terminator (hex)   00
Use USB Com Port as COM1   0
COM2 mode   0
COM2 baudrate   9600
COM2 data bits   8
COM2 stop bits   1
COM2 parity   0
COM2 terminator (hex)   00
Use USB Com Port as COM2   0
COM3(Extra) mode (USB-COMFSK)   10
UDP cmd port   13002
UDP audio port   13001
SIP port   13000
Web server port   80
Telnet server port   23
Rx jitter buffer size   4
Rx jitter delay   3
Audio packet size (ms)   20
RTP tx mode   0
Disable audio tones   0
Audio tones -db [70-0]   30
IP identification (morse)   0
Full duplex   0
PTT-off mute delay   0
IP Type-of-Service (dec)   0
Yaesu power-on/off   0
UDP antenna-switch port   13010
UDP cmd min-data-size   0
Use common network settings   0
Check interval   0
DDNS Host name   0
Own host name   
Enable   1
Speed wpm [0/10-40]   0
Iambic   1
Paddle reverse   0
Weight [25-40]   30
Side tone hz [0,300-1500]   800
Side tone -db [50-0]   20
Lf delay ms [0-500]   0
Key delay ms [0-250]   50
PTT activated by Keyer   0
PTT tail delay ms [0-999]   0
Speed pot min wpm [5-99]   10
Speed pot max wpm [5-99]   40
IN0 mode   0
OUT0 mode   3
OUT0 mode   3
OUT1 mode   0
OUT1 mode   0
OUT2 mode   0
OUT2 mode   0
USB RTS as PTT   0
USB DTR as CW   0
Enable ping watchdog   0
IP address to ping   
Ping interval (seconds)   300
Startup delay (seconds)   300
Failure count to reboot   3
1: Name (SSID)   FBFiber-00656FCA-2GHz
1: Password (PSK)   dafe708809b9ca40
2: Name (SSID)   
2: Password (PSK)   
3: Name (SSID)   
3: Password (PSK)   
4: Name (SSID)   
4: Password (PSK)   
5: Name (SSID)   
5: Password (PSK)   
6: Name (SSID)   
6: Password (PSK)   
7: Name (SSID)   
7: Password (PSK)   
8: Name (SSID)   
8: Password (PSK)   
Name   Value
P5.4   OFF
Radio   OFF
Connection status   Disconnected
SIP status   Idle
Last SIP error   None
RTP/UDP audio status   Disconnected
UDP cmd status   Disconnected
SIP command timeout   0
Rx Jitter buffer size   4
Rx Jitter delay   3
Dual Rx   0
SIP Out port   13000
SIP In port   13000
Audio Out port   0
Audio In port   0
Command Out port   0
Command In port   13002
External SIP In port   13000
External Audio In port   13001
External Cmd In port   13002
Other party
Input 0   High
Input 1   High
Input 2   High
Output 0   Low
Output 1   Low
Output 2   Low
DNS status   OK, =
Active profile   Default
PTT status   OFF
Common network settings   No

Exported settings Radio Side:
Name   Value
Company   Microbit
Product   1258
PID   4
Version   7
HW   8
Software   2.95
Bootloader   1.14
Compiler   4.6.2
Build   May 4 2019 08:32:26
ROM/RAM   488400/44304
ETH-RAM   3000 (max 3kB)
USB-RAM   16376 (max 16kB)
Battery-RAM   4
ResetSrc   0 [3]
Last WD Reset   887093855
Uptime   0 Days, 0 Hours, 0 Mins, 51 Secs
Serial number   14345
MAC address   88:da:1a:7e:df:72
IP address
Wi-Fi network   FBFiber-00656FCA-2GHz
Webserver   2
Unit ID (Banner)   Remote Rig Radio Side
DHCP   0
Dns server
Eth-type   5
IP-interface   0
Web page user   
Web page pwd   
Web page user(saving)   
Web page pwd(saving)   
Program mode   2
Control panel   0
Sip password   hello
Sip contact(Radio RRC IP/hostname)   
Auto connect   0
Audio quality   2
Audio dual-rx   0
Audio left/right ch swap   0
Codec out gain   255
Codec inp gain   0
Codec inp HPF Hz   3
Codec inp preamp   1
Codec inp attenuation   0
COM0 baudrate   38400
COM0 data bits   8
COM0 stop bits   1
COM0 parity   0
COM0 Program mode 3 char timeout   3
Use USB Com Port as COM0   0
COM1 mode   0
COM1 baudrate   9600
COM1 data bits   8
COM1 stop bits   1
COM1 parity   0
COM1 rts/cts   0
COM1 terminator (hex)   00
Use USB Com Port as COM1   0
COM2 mode   0
COM2 baudrate   9600
COM2 data bits   8
COM2 stop bits   1
COM2 parity   0
COM2 terminator (hex)   00
Use USB Com Port as COM2   0
COM3(Extra) mode (USB-COMFSK)   10
UDP cmd port   13002
UDP audio port   13001
SIP port   13000
Web server port   80
Telnet server port   23
Rx jitter buffer size   4
Rx jitter delay   3
Audio packet size (ms)   20
RTP tx mode   0
Disable audio tones   0
Audio tones -db [70-0]   30
IP identification (morse)   0
Full duplex   0
PTT-off mute delay   0
IP Type-of-Service (dec)   0
Yaesu power-on/off   0
UDP antenna-switch port   13010
UDP cmd min-data-size   0
Use common network settings   0
Check interval   0
DDNS Host name   0
Own host name   
Enable   0
Speed wpm [0/10-40]   0
Iambic   1
Paddle reverse   0
Weight [25-40]   30
Side tone hz [0,300-1500]   800
Side tone -db [50-0]   20
Lf delay ms [0-500]   0
Key delay ms [0-250]   50
PTT activated by Keyer   0
PTT tail delay ms [0-999]   0
Speed pot min wpm [5-99]   10
Speed pot max wpm [5-99]   40
IN0 mode   0
OUT0 mode   0
OUT0 mode   0
OUT1 mode   0
OUT1 mode   0
OUT2 mode   1
OUT2 mode   1
USB RTS as PTT   0
USB DTR as CW   0
Enable ping watchdog   1
IP address to ping
Ping interval (seconds)   300
Startup delay (seconds)   300
Failure count to reboot   3
1: Name (SSID)   FBFiber-00656FCA-2GHz
1: Password (PSK)   dafe708809b9ca40
2: Name (SSID)   
2: Password (PSK)   
3: Name (SSID)   
3: Password (PSK)   
4: Name (SSID)   
4: Password (PSK)   
5: Name (SSID)   
5: Password (PSK)   
6: Name (SSID)   
6: Password (PSK)   
7: Name (SSID)   
7: Password (PSK)   
8: Name (SSID)   
8: Password (PSK)   
Name   Value
P5.2   OFF
Connection status   Disconnected
SIP status   Idle
Last SIP error   None
RTP/UDP audio status   Disconnected
UDP cmd status   Disconnected
SIP command timeout   0
Rx Jitter buffer size   4
Rx Jitter delay   3
Dual Rx   0
SIP Out port   13000
SIP In port   13000
Audio Out port   0
Audio In port   0
Command Out port   0
Command In port   13002
External SIP In port   13000
External Audio In port   13001
External Cmd In port   13002
Other party
Input 1   Low
Input 2   Low
Output 0   Low
Output 1   Low
Output 2   Low
Dynamic DNS status   Unknown
Ping status (watchdog)   Unknown
DNS status   Unknown
Active profile   Default
PTT status   OFF
Antenna-Switch (IP)   not connected
Common network settings   No

Thank you for the reply Mike. The radio IP address is, and the Radio settings for the control side matches this as shown below:

Program mode   
2 - IC-7100, IC-706, IC-703
Sip password   hello Hide
Sip contact(Radio RRC IP/hostname)
Auto connect   No
Audio quality   2 - Linear 16 bits 8 kHz
Audio left/right ch swap   No
Codec out gain   255
Codec inp gain   18
Codec inp HPF Hz   163
Codec inp preamp   Yes
COM0 baudrate   38400
COM0 data bits   8
COM0 stop bits   1
COM0 parity   0 - Off
COM0 Program mode 3 char timeout   2
Use USB Com Port as COM0  No

Do you see anything else that's not right in the control radio setup?

Yes, current "test" setup uses common router.

Exported setting to follow.

Thank you!

General discussion forum / RRC with IC-7100 will not connect
« on: 2021-03-25, 15:42:24 »
New installation using two RRC-1258 MkII with new IC-7100 has never connected. Directly connecting radio to Icom control head works correctly.

Configured Radio side as IP and control side as Circuit board plugged correctly into control side and jumpers installed (and rechecked) into RRC on radio side. Both control and radio RRC connect to my router and I'm able to set all parameters using web-based browser.

Radio and control sides "Radio settings" are set as prescribed in manual and confirmed

IP settings:
IP settings Unit ID (Banner) Remote Rig Radio Side
Dns server
Eth-type   Auto, prefer 10 Mbit
IP-interface Auto, prefer Ethernet
Web page user   
Web page pwd   
Web page user(saving)   
Web page pwd(saving)   

Router configured to redirect

Local LAN Ports      Local LAN IP Address                        Protocol    WAN Ports                  Remote IP Address   
80 to 80                                            TCP            80 to 80                          All IP Addresses   
13000 to 13002                                       UDP            13000 to 13002          All IP Addresses   

Name   Value
P5.2   OFF
Connection status   Disconnected
SIP status   Idle
Last SIP error   None
RTP/UDP audio status   Disconnected
UDP cmd status   Disconnected
SIP command timeout   0
Rx Jitter buffer size   4
Rx Jitter delay   3
Dual Rx   0
SIP Out port   13000
SIP In port   13000
Audio Out port   0
Audio In port   0
Command Out port   0
Command In port   13002
External SIP In port   13000
External Audio In port   13001
External Cmd In port   13002
Other party
Input 1   Low
Input 2   Low
Output 0   Low
Output 1   Low
Output 2   Low
Dynamic DNS status   Unknown
Ping status (watchdog)   OK [5 ms]
DNS status   OK, =
Active profile   Default
PTT status   OFF
Antenna-Switch (IP)   not connected
Common network settings   No

I can supply any additional information as require to get this project up and going. Thanks so much!

Jerry, N4KJ

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