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Topics - wb9ayd

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Are either of the radios mentioned above compatible with the RRC-1258 configuration for remote use?

Thanks in advance.


Configuration, RRC 1258 / TM-D710 and Packet TNC
« on: 2020-01-15, 17:38:36 »
Has anyone had success in implementing the built in TNC in the Kenwood TM-D710 via Remoterig? I see in another post there was an issue with no PTT. I am using Winlink Express with a com cable plugged into the 710 head. It initializes fine but no transmit. I know that no DTMF tones can be sent via the standard mic but I thought this would be a different approach to communicate from the head TNC over the internet to the radio body. Appreciate any ideas or potential solutions.


I presently have the RRC-1258 MkII pair working fine, connected via hardwired to my home network. It also has the wireless module installed and also works fine. If I try to connect to the radio side using the Micro PC program (with the dongle plugged in of course), also connected hardwired, I receive a timeout error. I get the same error trying to connect with the Nano app on two different Android devices wirelessly. As a side note, I can use VPN to get out and connect that way wirelessly on the Androids. That is my clue that ports are being blocked beyond the one assigned device being the RRC. I use SIP port 5060 and 11000 and 12000 respectively for the other ports. I have verified multiple times that the ports and passwords are correct on both ends as well as the DDNS via

I suspect this is a Frontier router (FiOS-G1100) situation that is locking ports to a device but I am at a loss as to why I can't at least get the PC program to connect via a wired or wireless connection and function no differently than the control side of the RRC-1258. I suspect I am too close to this and the obvious is right in front of me. Any ideas from the network pros?


General / Volume Adjust on Phone Not Adjustable
« on: 2015-10-10, 05:16:49 »
Version 1.3.7, Nano Kenwood will not allow for volume adjustment on phone or tablet. The app volume slider works fine but not the controls built in on a Samsung S6 phone and Samsung  S tablet. It appears to be disabled so if the device's volume is turned down no audio is heard with slider all the way up in the app.


I have a complete Remoterig setup functioning now on a TS-480. I wanted to have available another head setup to access the TS-480 from a different location. I have an extra individual 1258MkII RADIO box but it looks like I need the 1258MkII CONTROL box version instead to connect to my existing setup. Is it possible to reconfigure it to act as a control box? I don't need the CW speed control for this application. Thanks for any help.


General / Nano Service not on Play Store
« on: 2015-02-26, 21:18:25 »
I was able to grab the Nano-K for my TS-480  but not the Nano-Service Service app from Play Store. I am loading it on to  a new Samsung Tab S which is running 4.4.2. Any thoughts on its compatability on the S version? It is working fine on a Samsung S3 phone using Open Tunnel VPN and on the older tablet. thanks for the help.


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