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Topics - Kari SM0HRP

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General discussion forum / DDNS reachable?
« on: 2023-03-25, 13:02:11 »
Is the remoterigs DDNS server unreachable at the moment?

Hi, I have configured TS-2000 with remote panel according to  manual. But usually afrter 1 minute or less it disconnects, SIP error/stalled (25).
Almost always the audion does not get thrugh with a connected link unless you turn the volume knob on the TS-2000 radio (on radio side not the panel).
Any ideas? Does the CAT speeed matter at all? 

Anyone have tested the new FTDX-10 in a twin configuration?

I am using N1MM over the COMExtra Port (COM 3) to key my remote tranceiver. N1MM keys the remote transciever well ( I can see on power output meter), including from the CW key keyer function with local sidetone,  BUT I get no local sidetone tone when keying with N1MM functions keys from speaker output on my 1258 controll unit. What am I missing? When I key using the CW paddle on 1250 controll unit I get a CW sidetone.  :'( 

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Can the mic input K3 mini be used?
« on: 2016-01-23, 14:37:12 »
I forgot the Heil adapter to connect to RRC control mic input. But since there is a mic inout to left of K3 mini panel (adjacent to speaker input) cannot this input be used?  I tried but can not get any mic gain readings with using VOX.Perhaps it is not configured yet.
I read somewhere on this forum that the mic input seemed with bias as well. Could it really be so?
73 Kari

General discussion forum / 1216H dns server down?
« on: 2015-02-19, 12:21:46 »
Any news when the dns server for the 1216H will be up running?
Best regards,

Hi folks,
I have been testing N1mm+ using USB COM1 and CW DTR-keying. New PC Win 7 (Optiplex) and RRC build V. 2.84. But I find the operation erratic. It works for a while but then looses coonection with the Virt COM Port (using COM1) quite regularly.  I have "cleaned" the PC from unused COM Ports with the Microbit device manager.
I have seen some using USB serial adapter between PC and RRC COM1. Does this work better? Can one get CW DTR keying in this case when RRC COM1 physical port seems to lack DTR pin?
I have also tried with physical PC serial COM Port conntected to RRC COM1 but get even here an erratic behaviour. 
73 Kari SM0HRP
P.S. It is in the details the devil is......D.S.

Is there anyone out there who is using a Yaesu Quadra VL-1000 solid state PA in the remote set-up? It has no remote software and requires more of "homebrew web cam" type of surveillance as I see to be on the safe side. Or? If you could share some experiences would be great?

Konfiguration av Webswitchen / DNS uppdatering fungerar ej
« on: 2014-01-28, 23:36:14 »
Hej, upptäckte att webswitchen inte uppdaterar DNS efter nytt publikt IP. Har inte hänt förut? Vad kan det beror på? Serverfel?

I just got 4G at my remote QTH in addition to 1 Mbs/300 kBs ADSL. The 4G latency is around 50-100 mS. What is your experience with this "high latency" when working CW? I am now "spoiled" with only 10 mS on ADSL. The network is by Swedish Telia with 4G at 800 Mhz.
Thanking in advance,

Hello dr OM:s
I am using OM2500A with remote controller in a remote concept with the remote rig concept RRC 1258MKII.
In this set-up COM Port (1) at the remote RRC that is used to controll the OM2500A (via a null modem cable) via TRCVR RS-232 port.  Another COM Port (2) is used to steer the Elecraft K3. COM Port 2 and COM Port 1 are logically in parallell.
Working with OM2500A it works BUT not fully in split mode. The amp keep changes frequency between RX frequency and TX frequency and suddenly makes a random change to an arbitratry frequency outside the ham bands. 
Have anyone any experience with CAT controll and OM amplifiers?  
If I change routing and let K3 CAT go directly to OM 2500 TRCVR RS-232 and the from OM2500 PC RS-232 port to RRC COM2 it works in split mode. Disadvantage is that amplifier has to be in ON every time I want to use the K3. 
Any ides?  
73 Kari

General discussion / Pumping audio
« on: 2013-11-25, 14:05:32 »
I have installed RRC client on old laptop with Win 7. I can establish contact and controll with TRX-manager an ICOM 7600. But the audio is "pumping" at 2 Hz rate like a disturbance in earphone. Is it the audio stream to rapid for this Dell 630? Speaker LED bar shows 10 segments.
73s Kari

iPhone App / Fungerar app med gamla switchen 1216e?
« on: 2013-02-04, 17:06:56 »
Hej, undrar om app fungerar med den gamla web switchen? 73 Kari

General discussion / Icom RS-BA1 - beta version?
« on: 2012-12-06, 09:33:14 »
What are your experience working with this software with the RRC client? I have been using it now for some days but with RRC control set up over COM2 and PC. Upgraded RS-BA1 firmware v.1.30 as well as in ic-7600 (v.1.11)
I find quite some many shortcomings in this software. E g VFO B in split mode does not change frequency when you adjust frequency in the window. No dual watch implemented either as I can see or? It looses contact with RRC radio quite often. Happens never with TRX- manager in my case.
Now there is the Rc-28 encoder to have a physical tumb wheel for frequency controll. Anyone tested it?
73 Kari

General discussion forum / Setting up Icoms software RS-BA1
« on: 2012-11-29, 12:49:02 »
I have read on this forum that some have suceeded in getting Icoms remote software RS-BA 1 working with the RRC locally (com 2 in parall with com 0) connected  to a PC and RS-232. As I understand this should be feasible without using the Remote Utility part of the software bundle that, as I understand, only provides virtual COM ports for a PC at remote location.
I have configured a IC-7600 with correct CI-V adresses and COM port 1 (of local PC) in the software settings of the Remote Controll but still cannot get it to connect to radio at remote location. Using TRX -manager locally instead works just superbly so I cannot see what is the trick to get RS -BA 1 to play correctly. Any clues? Do i need to use the  Remote Utility program to do something?
Thanking in advance,

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