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Topics - w5rhr

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For about a week now I have had issues getting my RRCs connected, and today it fails to connect to the radio end.

I have restarted both ends several times,
checked all settings
reloaded firmware on control end.

The web gui on the control end pops up so I am able to access the unit, also the saetup manager sees the unit,

the yellow SIP lamp is flashing on the control unit and the beep beep beep tone sounds when I press the " connect" button.

But now I can access my radio with the  trial software of RRC Micro client every time!!

Both units are on the same LAN, and I can swap network cables between the Control unit and the laptop the micro client is on and still; have the same issues.

Now finally after futzing with the control unit for the hundredth time it connected.

I don't know what else to troubleshoot

Configuration, RRC 1258 / serial 2 CAT control ft 991A
« on: 2018-05-17, 14:30:28 »
a few questions.

set to mode 3 or mode 4?

the  RRC users guide under general Yaesu states set CAT Baud to 38400  so should com 2 be set to 38400 8 ,N. 0? I was using it for previous ft 857 and com 2 settings were different for CAT.

I will be using the serial port on the 991A and HRD for total remote control

I would like to upgrade my now working system centered around a yaesu ft 857 with an ft991, because of the C4FM capability of the 991.

The 991 does not have a removable control head so it appears the control would have to take place with an rrc micro unit?

Control of the 991 would have to be accomplished via the radio RRC via the serial port to the serial port of the 991 using HRD.

However, the TTL port on the radio RRC doesnt appear to have any place to plug into the 991, like the diagrams show a typical CVI control,  how would you control the 991? I think that is why it cannot be done

I had been successfully using my remote rigs until this morning when now they will not connect.

It is a yaesu FT 857 and here are the conditions

I can access the web admin pages of both units from their assigned IP addresses so I assume the internet connection is good.

the settings appear to all be the same as they were

The control unit has the green power led illuminated and the rear rj45 network jack is flashing to indicate traffic.

I have restarted both units several times

pressing the power button on the ft 857 control unit has no effect

when I return home I will bring the units together and test, but does anybody have any ideas now?

I purchased two DS18B20 temp probes

and have tried to integrate them with my 1216H on BUSS B, since I have the rotor controller 1216L on buss A.
The probes are wired in the passive mode, VCC+ and - tied together to one connection of the 1216H and the data wire to the other.

Performing a scan results in the error message no Buss B 1 wire devices found

I have the following:
Yaesu FT857D
Yaesu FT817D
remote rigs latest version
Genuine Yaesu CAT 62 cable
USB CAT Cable with prolific chip
desktop PC
laptop PC
HRD on both pcs

I cannot get HRD to successfully communicate from the desktop pc through the remote rigs to the ft817
the error reads fail to read frequency

HOWEVER I can move the remote rig connection to the ft817 and it connects

I can take the laptop and the usb cable and communicate with the ft857 ok

all settings are 8N2 4800 cat enabled etc.ALl tests are all on my local network.

so I am stumped.

The CT62 cable must be ok since it will communicate with the 817D through the remote rigs which also must be configured correct.

The ft857 cat port must be ok since the usb cat cable communicates with it through the laptop.

HRO in the USA has none I want to order but want to know if they are available for shipment from the microbit web store

thank you

I saw the files associated with the default location and it is immense with lots of jpgs for each point, etc

I am interested in an image similar to the HRD rotor image like a map or Mercator

or would it be easier to use hrds rotor page bit I dont think they work together

General discussion forum / I fixed my latency problem!!!
« on: 2018-03-07, 15:01:34 »
After fighting with an ft857 remote and my own errors I suceeded in them communicating, but I had audio latency and dropouts.Also the ft857 control would take several attempts to power up.

I fixed the problem.

My RRC was plugged into a 5 port switch, along with the webswitch and a weather computer, that was connected to a wifi  extender that had a network port on it.

last night I moved the switch with a temporary long cat 5 cable to my modem/router that has ethernet ports on it.

This morning success first time , I can now power up and down , no issues.

So I have other wifi devices in the house(cameras mostly) so I am sure it was a bottleneck at the wifi extender that chocked everything.

After some trepidation and kinks I finally have my RRC 1258 remotely controlling my FT 857 along with a 1216H controlling power to shack and rig and a 1216L controlling a Yaesu 450 rotor!

This equipment is really bulletproof!!! It survived my errors and still works , I must congratulate the makers of this equipment.

I had a few hurdles that were my doing.

1. when testing on my local LAN I had the DDNS address of the remote in the control fields Sip contact setting, instead of the local address, well it was timing out by going round trip,changing it to local fixed it. Changing it back to DDNS when remote was success

2 I had made a photocopy of the jumper straps page in black and white and one jumper color was washed out, I omitted it initially, went back to original webpage documentation and found it.

3. The 1216L did not show up on the find 1wire A buss scan but it wont from what I understand. Originally Cw and CCW buttons didnt work but I think it was a browser issue on a PC (not cellphone\)

So I am sitting here now at my desk at work listening to 40 meters!!!

I cannot say enough good about this company I will share on eham reviews and over the air!!!

you cannot choose the location but I cannot find the ones I had exported.

Perhaps I am in minority, but would it be possible to provide the voltage needed to operate MH59 hand mic with future modifications?
Or I am wondering small adapter in line that provides the voltage on appropriate pins to power the mic?

Thank you

After correcting a wiring issue  with my homebrew connection cableI can now link the units together. I have ordered the factory cables to replace them just to be sure.

However I have the following two issues:

1. The unit will not power up right away , sometimes it takes several attempts to push the power button on the panel, sometimes I have to power down the radio body, sometimes I restart one or both RRCs until I have a connection.

  A the RRC and radio are on separate power supplys
  B. the units are on the same local LAN

Once powered up it receives OK.

2 Trying to transmit first the MH59 would not key the radio. Investigation found the hand mic need power to operate the PTT (it is keyed from the misc microprocessor), no power is provided on the MIC jack of the RRC, I had another analog mic to try and it worked.

HOWEVER when I finally got PTT no audio is passed , instead a repeating "buzzing" sound is passed! No modulation can be heard.
I tried some settings in the advanced packet settings no to avail.

I verified the jumper straps are correct and the radio settings are as per the manual.

Does anybody have any suggestions?

So far I see three suggested settings for setting comm 2 to enable cat control over the RRCs

Hi you should connect to com2 and you should set com2 to mode3, and set 8 databits and 2 stop bits. Same baudrate settings in both RRC, the radio and the pc program

3) Change the COM2 serial settings of the radio-RRC to mode-4, using the baud rate set in the 857, then submit/apply changes.

I see in the manual that the Serial setting for COM2 shows "Logical parallel with COM0. = Is used for level converting for CI-V and FT-8x7."

so which is it?

General discussion / Micro RRC client trial no receive audio
« on: 2018-02-23, 18:58:22 »
I downloaded the trial and can connect successfully to the remote but hear no receive audio on my PC
RTP is Green
RRC is flashing

the bar under default moves green left to right
the speaker bar is static at 25% i can drag slider volume but no effect
my setup works great with the control  so network is good

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