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Messages - sm2o

Pages: 1 ... 155 156 [157] 158 159 ... 201
Konfiguration av RRC 1258 / Re: Den gula led-lampan blinkar
« on: 2012-04-16, 12:26:39 »

Om du fortfarande har bägge RRC burkarna på samma LAN så är det troligast att du helt enkelt inte angett rätt IP-adress i SIP-kontakt fältet. Dvs du har inte skrivit in Radio-RRCns IP-adress.

73 de micke

General discussion / Re: COM 1 with version 1.5.1
« on: 2012-04-16, 07:52:13 »
When we stress tested the new version we connected 3 radios at the same time and used 3 different Radio controll softwares at the same time controlling all radios, so all serial ports works with the same capacity.

73 de mike

General discussion / Re: COM 1 with version 1.5.1
« on: 2012-04-14, 19:31:22 »
Yes, but we need a sponsor.

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: N4PY
« on: 2012-04-14, 14:46:20 »

The RRC.s doesn't know anything about what software are connected, it just transfer the data. For the RRC-micro it's different as it has to communicate with the Control software inside the the PC.

The serial link in the RRC can never hang up, it just sends the data. If something hangs up it's probably the PC-software. As far as I remember the Tentec uses the same type of protocol as Kenwood, Elecraft etc. where every message are ended with a ; . The RRC buffers data until it receives the ; then it sends the buffered message to the other end, which starts to send it to the radio over the cable. It's not much we can do about it. Probably it's the PC-software which expects answers from the radio within a very short time, and if the answer is to late or missing it will hang up. As programs often are made to be used only with a 2 m cable direct to the radio, the developer have not thought about missing or delayed answers and do not handle the situations correct.

I guess you have tried in mode 1 or 3 also, and have you tried with TRX manager.

Im sorry but I don't think there is much that we can do about it at least without the radio and the PC-software. And even if we should have the equipment I think that in the end it will show that the problem is not in the RRC.

73 de mike

General discussion / Re: COM 1 with version 1.5.1
« on: 2012-04-13, 23:40:07 »
I guess you have exactly the same settings in the Radio-RRC and the same cables as when you use the box to box setup. Softwares like the one for 1k-FA is not written to be able to connect over internet so it's tricky. The virtual serial port which are now implemented in the RRC-micro software, now behaves as much as possible like a hardware serial port. That's why all other radio control software works, and if it doesn't work now with the 1k-FA, I'm sorry to say it but I don't think there is much hope, if they don't modify their software.

I think the best way to solve this would be if we could make a web based control like the one to the ACOM-2000 (RC-1216H).

73 de mike

OK Guy

Nice to hear that.

73 de mike

General discussion / Re: char by char option
« on: 2012-04-13, 06:39:59 »

The disadvantage with "char by char " is that it need lot of bandwidth, for every char sent, 16 char are sent over the Internet. So for that reason it's better to use an other mode if it's possible. For controlling a rotor it doesn't matter as very little data is sent and only when turning the the antenna. But using "char by char" for radio control when tuning the VFO can give huge data package which can affect the audio if the bandwidth is limited.

73 de mike

Gul lampa visar bara om den är ansluten med 10 eller 100 Mbit. Det spelar ingen roll. Får du kontakt med via webinterfacet så är det nog bara någon inställning som är fel, som gör att kontrollburken inte får kontakt med radioburken.

73 de micke

General discussion forum / Re: RRC-Micro audio
« on: 2012-04-08, 10:50:10 »
You are free to select which soundcard/USB device you want in the RRC-Micro software (in the connection setup dialog). But we decide to include our own soundcard in the USB/PTT dongle to be sure there is a working soundcard that we can support. As we are working with so small buffers it is very important that the sampling frequency is very accurate in the soundcard (eg a a hiqh quality crystal). But I haven't heard that there is any problem to use other standard soundcards/USB devices.

73 de mike

50 G Byte räcker till 1700 timmars lyssning med audio quality = 0 men och andra sidan räcker 0,5 Mbit/s bandbredd för lyssningen så det spelar ingen roll om dom drar ned. Men några barn som sitter och tittar på film på paddorna har ju snabbt förbrukat dom G Byten

73 de micke

General discussion / Re: RRC-Micro PC and ICOM IC-E2820
« on: 2012-04-07, 09:12:55 »
The RRC-Micro doesn't bother about what radio you use. But as far as I know there is no support for IC-2820 in HRD or other PC-software.
There is only some memory setup program from ICOM.

73 de mike

Using PTT inside HRD will send a command to the radio to do PTT but not open upp the audio path. That's nothing to do about it. The principle for RRC-Micro is not decode what is sent between HRD and the radio just transfer the data. So that is the way it has to be. We should remember that the RRC-Micro is a complement for travelling and portable use and it will never replace the hardware boxes 100% thats not our intention.

73 de mike

Hoppas någon som har Telenor kan svara på det. Det är inte säkert det behövs nått tillägg numera. Det är ju så vanligt nu att man behöver åtkomst utifrån så man kanske öppnat den möjligheten på alla abonnemang.

73 de micke


Email me "Exported settings (html)" files  from both units.

73 de mike


set radio mode to 3
and try with com2 mode = mode 3. If it doesn't work set com2 mode = mode 1


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