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Messages - sm2o

Pages: 1 ... 156 157 [158] 159 160 ... 201
Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: RRC and the Icom 9100
« on: 2012-04-03, 18:07:08 »

You do not discribed how you have connected the cables. Normally the CI-V cable is connected from the Radio-RRC TTL connector to the Radio CI-V jack.

If you connect the PC with a serial connector to Control-RRC com2 you have to set com2 to "Logically in parallell with com0"

If you use USB connection from the PC set "Use USB Com Port as COM0" = yes

On the status page you can see that all communication is OK

The RRC do not bother about the CI-V adresses.

I don't know what mean by laptop at the remote end. Remote end for me = radio end, and there is no PC needed

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: New Remoterig
« on: 2012-03-31, 23:28:04 »

It's dangerous  to make something specially for a rig like for example TS-480. The day the development is finnished, they can close down the production. You never know in advance
But there will be a WLAN card  that can be placed inside the RRC-box available in a couple of month

73 de mike

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: K3 Twins - Initial Feedback
« on: 2012-03-29, 23:12:19 »
K3 utility can be used in the same way as a log program via com1. Set com 1  to mode 7 in both RRC. As far as I know everything works but upgrading the K3-softwares. There is a few known errors in the K3 firmware which Wayne will fix as soon as the load from the KX3 development  is lower. Concerning the RRC there is no known bugs. You can send feature requests etc via email

73 de mike

Hi Jose
The protocols are based on standard SIP, RTP etc. During the years we have added features which is not standard so I doubt it works with standard softwares. We have no secrets but we have no intentions to make an open specification as we have enough to do to support our own softwares.

73 de mike

You need a pair of RRC-1258MkIIs or the RRC-Micro PC-client and a RRC-1258MkIIs connected to the radio. You can not connect from a phone or pad.

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: RRC1258 software suggestion
« on: 2012-03-23, 09:12:08 »
It's not possible to switch of the audio streams totaly there need to be some data sent to keep up ports and there are some signaling also, but if the audio (codec) data is removed the amount of data will be significantly reduced. I have thought before about making a level sense function which could switch on/off the audio data when no audio is comming from the reciever, eg. when squelch is closed. I think a function like that will be useful for more users. I don't think there is many user who send the audio via a UHF repeater, but there are a lot which use 3G/4G connections.

73 de mike


I cant say exactly how to do, but the important thing is not to make any Y-cables between K3 and RRC. Do as Mitch say set com 1  in mode 6 or 7 and connect your stuff to com1 of the RRC. outside the RRC-com1 you can try with Y cables etc.

73 de mike

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: TIMEOUT PROBLEMS
« on: 2012-03-22, 16:06:56 »
Timeouts is probably caused by the Internet connection not the firmware. But upgrade anyway there are lot of enhancements since 2.28. You can upgrade direct, but check up your settings afterwards. When upgrading so many versions the settings can be affected

73 de mike

Im sorry I don't know what you mean. The existing published versions of RRC-Micro 1214A are compatible with HRD and RS-BA1 and has been for years. The new version will also support other softwares like TRX-manager, ARCP-480, Yeasus PCC-950 , PCC-2000 etc. We are still waiting for a third party vendor to do their job before we can publish the new version.


General discussion forum / Re: Icom 7600
« on: 2012-03-20, 08:18:20 »

It's not possibel, as both the RRC and the IC-7600 has a "USB device" port, and two devices can not communicate.

73 de mike


Det finns inga indikationer på att det skulle ha nått med Remoterig syystemet att göra.

73 de micke


We have tested most combinations but not controlling a FT-9000 from FT-2000. Try to contact w6df Jim they have tested various combinations with FT-9000. The email adress is OK.

73 de mike

Om du skall köra CI-V samtidigt som du kör manöverpanel så måste du använda dem på framsidan

73 de micke

No I do not think there is any program that can control the TM-D710. But if just want to use a already selected channel and just use audio and PTT it's OK

73 de mike

Jo men eftersom du redan använder COM0 för panelen så måste du ha ett separat CI-V interface från COM1 till radions CI-V kontakt, tex CT-17. Du kan också bygga ett själv men tänk på att du måste spänningsmata det separat, en del ritningar på nätet tar spänningen från RS-232 kontakten, men det går inte på RRCn. Sedan ställer du bara in COM1 på CI-V mode och samma baudrate som du ställt in radion på tex 19200 baud. På kontrollsidan kan du ha en rak RS-232 kabel men på radiosidan måste du ha en där pin 2 och 3 är korsad om du ansluter en CT-17

73 de micke

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