General discussion forum / Re: SunSDR2 PRO + RemoteRig
« on: 2016-07-06, 08:15:16 »
I've managed to find the cabling for ModMic, as per their support engineer:
As per RRC manual I will need to enable JMP-1 on Control RRC to activate DC voltage on Pin7 of Aux/Mic connector

I will need an adapter from RRC AUX/Mic to Mic 3.5mm jack :
tip (signal input) -> 3 (Mic)
ring -> 7 (pwr 8V)
sleeve -> 4 (Mic gng)
Is this connection OK for the specified electret microphone ?
Thank you!
- The tip and ring carry both signal and power.As the transceiver emulate TS-480, I think to configure RRC for TS-480 although I will not use TTL connector.
- They're both shorted together
- The sleeve is ground
- there are only 2 wires to the mic, one is power & signal, one is ground
As per RRC manual I will need to enable JMP-1 on Control RRC to activate DC voltage on Pin7 of Aux/Mic connector

I will need an adapter from RRC AUX/Mic to Mic 3.5mm jack :
tip (signal input) -> 3 (Mic)
ring -> 7 (pwr 8V)
sleeve -> 4 (Mic gng)
Is this connection OK for the specified electret microphone ?
Thank you!