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Messages - sm2o

Pages: 1 ... 191 192 [193] 194 195 ... 202

Use mode 3 instead it's more efficient, mode 1 needs input 1 in the Control-RRC to be grounded to set up the connection. in mode 3 you can also set auto connect if you wan't the connection to be always active

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: Direct WiFi connection
« on: 2010-05-15, 15:31:02 »

Yes it's no problem to use an own WiFi link. I always recommend powerstation 5 from I have used them for years without problems, 50 km jumps is possible on 5 GHz. We have 16 km links in use with 30 dB margin

73 de mike

Allmänt diskussionsforum / Re: Fjärrstyrning via WLAN
« on: 2010-05-12, 14:27:18 »

det behövs inget tillstånd det är ett öppet band, men det måste vara helt fri sikt

73 de mikael

General discussion forum / Re: TS-480 and router config
« on: 2010-05-10, 12:27:23 »

Be sure that SIP ALG is NOT activated in the Netgear Box. If the other one has something like that switch it off

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: TS-480 and RF feedback
« on: 2010-05-10, 12:25:25 »
Tyvärr får man nog betrakta det som en bristfällig konstruktion från Kenwoods sida, det konstiga är att ingen annan Kenwood station verkar ha det problemet. Synd på en för ändamålet så bra station. I normala fall så räcker det med att separera matningarna nått annat skall inte behövas. Det är ju också den ablsolut vanligaste radion till Remoterig boxarna, så det funkar bra för dom allra flesta. Se också till att du inte har USB kabeln ansluten till datorn från Radio RRC.n när du testar då får du samma problem. Jag skulle tro att du får tillbaka mycket RF till schacket från antennen, en RF choke ute vid antenn löser nog problemet.

73 de mikael


Reläna klarar 230V/16A och använder du den bara för 230V till/från så kan du koppla dem direkt. Men skall du blanda och styra antennrelän med lågspänning då skulle jag sätta ett mellanrelä för 230Vs brytaren till stationen.

73 de micke

General discussion forum / Re: TTL connector and 8V
« on: 2010-05-06, 03:13:23 »

If the 8V are there depends on which mode the RRC is set set to. If you should connect to it you probably will use TS-480 then set radio mode to TS-480 and the 8V eg 9V will be switched on

73 de mike

Allmänt diskussionsforum / Re: TS-480 og PTT
« on: 2010-05-03, 11:33:31 »

Med 99% säkerhet är det de röda jumper trådarna i Radio-RRC som är fel.
antingen i fel hål eller avbrutna, kolla med ohmmeter

73 de micke


There is only support for IC-703,IC-706, IC-2820, TS480 and TS2000 with separate control head today.

We tested with FT-857 but it was not possible to use because the Control head needed acknowledge from the radio without delay, so we haven't even tested the other Yaesus assuming they are the same.

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: Wireless link
« on: 2010-04-26, 20:56:51 »

Yes It's no problem to use WLAN-links. I use a couple myself. I always recomend Ubiquiti
look for Powerstation 5 it handles jumps of 50km on 5 GHz and are extremly reliable. I haven't tried 50 km but I have used a 16 km link för years with 30 dB margin.

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: Drop Outs - Red Led comes on
« on: 2010-04-24, 19:38:22 »

Pingplotter is a freeware that can be used to check the connections.

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: CW with TS-480
« on: 2010-04-22, 21:26:31 »

You must decide which output you will use for the keying signal, see I/O tab on Radio-RRC

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: Drop Outs - Red Led comes on
« on: 2010-04-21, 17:40:29 »

There is nothing the RRC can do about it. If the RED LED is ON there have already been a 5 sec loss of incomming packets. This is not normal: If you use ADSL those 20 secs is about the time it takes for the ADSL modem to login again after a loss of connection. I think you should first find out in what end you have the problem and then test to replace your equipment and/or contact your ISP.

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: How to use VOX?
« on: 2010-04-21, 07:37:36 »

Quoting the website

"Continous RTP Tx     Needs to be switched on ( =Yes ) if VOX will be used. It means that the audio stream is sent continuously from the Control RRC to the Radio RRC. This can be a security problem for some user because audio is sent from the mic to the Internet continuously. ( default = 0ff )"

this setting is available under the "Advanced Settings" tab

73 de mike


The lowest audio codec needs 80kBit/s and then the control channel needs bandwitdh when rotating the VFO so 128 -256 kbit/s is good to have available

Remember that you need a router between the USB-stick and Remoterig boxes

73 de mike

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