« on: 2011-03-03, 21:03:40 »
My configuration, see below, was working fine. At some point I have lost control of the PTT. All other aspects of the radio control are fine: Full control of the radio, hear the receive audio just fine. The only control I do not have is PTT.
When pressing PTT at the remote site sound will go silent, but there is not indication of transmitt, and no transmitted signal. This is with VOX off at the controlled radio.
Now when I turn VOX on and press the PTT the radio does not go into transmit, but now that I am in VOX if I say anything into the microphone, then radio will transmitt. You can see the transmitt indication.
All the above is when I am controlling the radio through the Internet. When the whole configuration is on the LAN at the radio site, then PTT controls works just fine. Moving from the radio site to the remote site, the only configuration change made on the remote controller was changing the IP address of the radio from fixed IP to DNS registered with dyndns.org. Obviously, I am getting to the radio just fine since I am controlling all aspects of the radio expect PTT.
This is the strangest problem which seems to started occuring on its own. This system was working. I am seeing ping times from remote to radio of 100 msecs over Internet. This is longer than in the past where ping times were around 60 msec.
Radio: TS-2000X, Remote: RS-2000, Software: 2.15, Date: May 21, 2010,