General discussion forum / Paralleling a keyer output with RRC keying at the remote site
« on: 2024-01-06, 16:55:48 »
We're planning to do a MS effort for the CQWW 160M contest at the end of the month. We currently have a complete setup at the remote unit, and plan to run the keying line from the SO2R Box keyer to the input of the K3s. The CW would all be generated at the Remote site.
We would like to add in paddle CW via the RRC. Has anyone paralleled the outputs from a keyer and the RRC to enable both? We would, of course, be using the Remote Rig units to control radio frequency, bandwidth, etc. Has anyone done this, and any pitfalls to watch out for? Dennis W1UE
We would like to add in paddle CW via the RRC. Has anyone paralleled the outputs from a keyer and the RRC to enable both? We would, of course, be using the Remote Rig units to control radio frequency, bandwidth, etc. Has anyone done this, and any pitfalls to watch out for? Dennis W1UE