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Messages - sm2o

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 203
that's not the "net info/find device tab"


If you can ping the unit but not browse it you probably not using the standard port 80 for the webserver. If you use the microbit setup manager program and do "net info/find" it will show which webserver port you have set (after the IP-number). You can click on browse then the correct portnumber will be added by the program so you can reach the webpages and change web server port  back to port 80.

73 de mike

P1 is 0-3V levels not RS232.

1216S and 1216R is the same but different gender. and 2,3 shifted  so both can be used by adapting the cable to the radio

73 de mike

No. You need a 1216R or 1216S cable the have a RS232 interface in the dsub. It can of course be made DIY.  73 de mike

Feature Requests / Re: I can no longer connect
« on: 2024-05-02, 20:26:02 »
The Kenwood and ICOM nano app works OK with both IC-7100 and TS-480. Download the latest versions and check your settings you probably have something wrong. Remember that CAT cables and CI-V interfaces are needed and Correct  mode and baudrade must be setup in the Radio-RRC com2 settings. The Radios need to be set to coorect baudrate, not Automatic.

73 de mike


The problem is that the K3/0 does not send automatic volume updates, I told Elecraft about it 10 years ago but it was never changed. Set the volume at the remote K3 to the level you normal use, it will be the default level until you turn the volume knob manaully

73 de mike

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: IC7100: first setup failed
« on: 2024-04-23, 20:12:19 »

email me export settings(html) files from both units to

73 de mike

Du kan maila export settings (Html)filer om du vill


Kablarna skall gå till Mic/Aux i bägge enheterna

General / Re: Do I need CT17
« on: 2024-03-22, 21:25:24 »

You need a interface like CT-17 or Remoterig CI-V 1332 interface

Note that any interface used must be powered separate as the RRCs RS-232 port cannot power the interface like a PC

73 de mike

The settings looks correct. If no nothing happens when you press power on , probably the cables are not correct or the hardware is broken. If both the RJ45s in assembled backwards it will work with the extender, but not with the boxes.  73 de mike


How do you know the hardware is OK ? We are talking about a 15 years old product.

You can send export settings (htm) files from both units to support(a) so I can have a look

73 de mike

There should not be any connect button in program mode 2. They connect when you press the power on button on the control panel


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