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Messages - sm2o

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 202

The problem is that the K3/0 does not send automatic volume updates, I told Elecraft about it 10 years ago but it was never changed. Set the volume at the remote K3 to the level you normal use, it will be the default level until you turn the volume knob manaully

73 de mike

Configuration, RRC 1258 / Re: IC7100: first setup failed
« on: 2024-04-23, 20:12:19 »

email me export settings(html) files from both units to

73 de mike

Du kan maila export settings (Html)filer om du vill


Kablarna skall gå till Mic/Aux i bägge enheterna

General / Re: Do I need CT17
« on: 2024-03-22, 21:25:24 »

You need a interface like CT-17 or Remoterig CI-V 1332 interface

Note that any interface used must be powered separate as the RRCs RS-232 port cannot power the interface like a PC

73 de mike

The settings looks correct. If no nothing happens when you press power on , probably the cables are not correct or the hardware is broken. If both the RJ45s in assembled backwards it will work with the extender, but not with the boxes.  73 de mike


How do you know the hardware is OK ? We are talking about a 15 years old product.

You can send export settings (htm) files from both units to support(a) so I can have a look

73 de mike

There should not be any connect button in program mode 2. They connect when you press the power on button on the control panel



If SSB and FT8 gives no output it can be cauesed by by codec settings. But If also CW gives no output it's more likely a Radio problem, not a Remoterig problem

73 de mike


for low bandwidth connections

Audio Quality = 0 is best and no dual RX

Increased Jitter buffer delay and jitter buffer size gives better tollerance for Jitter

Audio packet size = 40 reduce the amount of packets and  reduce overhead which may be better, not proven

Increased Key delay  is important for CW--transmission

the other settings has no influence

73  de mike

All USB to serial adapters I have seen so far has a male 9pin dsub like a PC port, but if you have another you need a converter as the Control RRC dsubs are female

73 de mike

General discussion forum / Re: WiFi board connection issue?
« on: 2024-02-17, 20:49:32 »

Ita can be many reasons for that but it has not anything to do with Wifi. Without more info it's impossible to say more. Probably some setting is wrong in either RRC or in the Radio QTH router

73  de mike

General discussion forum / Re: WiFi board connection issue?
« on: 2024-02-17, 15:12:56 »
to test the wificard you dont need to make any port settings. Just check if the RRC can connect to the router and that you can browse it from a PC or Phone connected to the same LAN. If it's not working, the Wifi card is broken and there is nothing you can do. There is no cards available as the Wifi chip became obsolet years ago.

73 de mike

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 202