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Using DM5AL separation kit for IC-706

As the orginal separation cables from ICOM, OPC-581 and OPC-587 is no longer in production and very difficult to find. DM5AL has made a separation kit which works with the much cheaper RJ45 CAT-6 cables instead. This kit will of course also work with Remoterig. The only difference is that the red strap wires need be configured in different positions compared  to when using the ICOM  cables,

There is one pcb which is attached to the IC-706 radio body, and another which is attached to the Front panel.

The adapters is available at ebay or contact dm5al.lab@gmail.com

ic706-1 This picture showing the adapter attached to the IC-706 control panel and to Remoterig.
ic706-2 This picture showing the adapter attached to the IC-706 Radio body and to Remoterig.

There are two versions of the DM5AL adapter. Be careful to use the correct strapping depending on which version you are using

Strapping when using the new adapters delivered from August  21019


Strapping when using the older adpaters from before august 2019


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